Oh My God, I Honestly Feel Sorry For These 20 People Who Are Having The Absolute Worst Week Ever
2 min read
1.The person whose car is buried boundless and bare beneath the lone and level snow:
u/neverdidlearn / Via reddit.com
2.The person whose laptop looks absolutely delicious now:
u/poppcorrn / Via reddit.com
3.The person whose jelly-filled donut was an absolute affront to all things good and jam filled:
u/floppycat123 / Via reddit.com
4.The person who, thankfully, was able to locate their lost AirPods:
u/grey_pines / Via reddit.com
5.The person who now must go on a hero's journey to retrieve their TP:
u/-vink- / Via reddit.com
6.The person who was lucky enough to witness the miracle of conception on their morning drive:
u/notonlymagicman / Via reddit.com
7.The person whose coat hanger had a bit of an accident:
u/putincider / Via reddit.com
8.The person whose headphones are nice and moisturized:
u/snowflxke / Via reddit.com
9.The person who would have been better off listening to the Oct. 31, 1998, "Wolfman's Brother" vacuum solo than getting into this mess:
u/mortgageman / Via reddit.com
10.The person who just lived every gym-goer's worst nightmare:
u/guardiansvn / Via reddit.com
11.The person who just hooked a tree up with the ride of a lifetime:
u/Puzzleheaded-Head573 / Via reddit.com
12.The person whose roommate does unspeakable things to this poor pan:
u/camcam210 / Via reddit.com
13.The person who's eating spaghetti and feet-balls for dinner tonight:
Get it? Like meatballs. Feet-balls. Meatballs. Okay.
14.The person whose stairs just got a visit from the ghost of Jackson Pollock:
u/kittypr0nz / Via reddit.com
15.The person whose sandwich had a very special ingredient:
u/cl_ut / Via reddit.com
16.The person who created a winter wonderland at their place of employment:
u/rabblebowser / Via reddit.com
17.The person who really needs to work on their pelling:
u/taylorcurley / Via reddit.com
18.The person who found a magical worm inside their pistachio:
u/juicymonkeynuts / Via reddit.com
19.The person who found the elusive green orange:
u/therealpepsi / Via reddit.com
20.And the person who will never financially recover from this mistake:
u/pm-me-seratonin / Via reddit.com