Norwich Tech grad bought hair salon business from his mentor: Why people come from Groton
A dedicated salon employee has bought the salon.
It’s been a year since Henry Hoffacker took over what’s now called Studio 3H on 117 Providence St. in Taftville. He worked his way up from simple tasks as a teenager, to now having his mentor and former boss working for him.
The name of the salon is Studio 3H because its easier to say over the phone than Henry Hoffacker Hair, he said.
Studio 3H, with plants in the waiting area and plenty of space between chairs, is designed to be a clean, welcoming and relaxing place.
Hoffacker started learning about the salon business when he was a Norwich Tech student and worked in what was Balance Hair Studio. Owned by Kristie Butts, she pushed Hoffacker when he needed to be, and listened and supported him.
“She didn’t mold me into something I didn’t want to be, but she helped me understand where I needed to go,” he said.
Hoffacker started as a teenager by sweeping the salon floor, washing hair and answering the phone until he was ready to start cutting hair, Butts said.
“He’s grown up here,” she said. “The customers love him.”
Hoffacker joined at a time when plenty of peers worked at the salon, who have now gone on to their own successful careers. Hoffacker stayed for so long because Balance proved to be a positive environment that gave him growth and education, Butts said.
“When you’re around a good group of people, it’s easier to stay,” Hoffacker said.
Change of leadership
Hoffacker had expressed interest in taking over the salon when Butts was ready to step down from ownership. Butts eventually decided to give Hoffacker the keys because she was getting older, and he knew the principles of the business. Now working under him, Butts said the staff is all happy with his leadership.
“It's been a great 16 years of working with customers previously, so we’ve retained our customers,” Butts said. “I think this is a change for the better.”
Hoffacker wants to keep that mentor presence going in the salon, keeps a culture of both family and flexibility with Studio 3H, he said.
Buying the salon was a dream come true for Hoffacker. The first year has been “middle of the road.” While there’s been some hiring difficulties, there’s still been plenty of support from the community, Hoffacker said.
One salon regular is Groton resident Dee Tripp. Despite the distance, Tripp makes the trek to Studio 3H because she likes how Hoffacker cuts hair, and said he’s been doing a great job with the business.
Norwich Stephanie Spargo is a recent customer, going based on friend’s recommendations. Now, she also brings her kids for haircuts.
“It’s very warm, inviting, and friendly,” she said.
The salon offers haircuts, hair coloring, perms, keratin surface treatment, facial waxing and permanent jewelry. The harcuts start at $32, and the coloring starts at $72.
Going forward, Hoffacker wants to hire stylists for four more chairs. Butts also hopes to see Studio 3H grow.
“I’m going to keep working here until retirement, or my body gives out,” she said. “One or the other.”
This article originally appeared on The Bulletin: Norwich Tech grad is owner of Studio 3H: His signature touch