This No-Gear Workout Program Torches Fat in Just 24 Minutes

From Men's Health

This month, in the tenth and final installment of our yearlong series that’ll get you the specific workout results you want, we work every muscle in your body with a blistering bodyweight circuit. Next month, we'll give you more.

Alex Isaly, who designed this month’s workout, has worked with both an Olympic decathlete and a world-champion swimmer, and he co-created Spartan Race’s group training program.

You could spend the rest of the year lifting weights, but your body doesn’t need that as much as you think. Train smarter, not harder, and still beat holiday bloat with this bodyweight sweat sesh that’ll melt fat, revitalize tight muscles, and layer on the strength you need to end 2019.

The Plan

Do this workout at least 3 times a week for the next 28 days. Perform the main workout as a 3-round circuit with no rest between exercises. After the final exercise, rest 1 minute. Do each move for 60 seconds in the first round, 45 seconds in the second round, and 30 seconds in the third.

The Warmup

Work through 3 rounds.

Squat to Hip Opener

Start standing, and drop into a deep squat. Stand, squeezing your glutes, and lift your right leg, driving your knee up. Rotate your thigh outward, flexing your right glute. Pause, then return to standing. Repeat on the other side. Do reps for 30 seconds, then jumping jacks for 30 seconds. Complete 3 sets, with no rest between each.

The Workout

1. Duck Walk to Squat Jump

Stand with your feet about shoulder width apart. Squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Keeping your chest up and your weight in your heels, walk forward 4 steps. Balance out your feet and jump up. Lower back down for more duck walks, take 4 steps backward, and jump again. That’s 1 rep.

Stay low as you walk forward, and take small steps.

2. Pushup Plank with Knee Touch

Start in a pushup position, hands beneath your shoulders, feet wide. Lift your left hand to touch your right knee. Return your left hand to the floor. Do a pushup. Repeat on the other side. That’s 1 rep.

Bend at the waist as you bring hand to knee.

Eb says: “To get the most for your abs, keep a flat back until the last possible moment when you need to touch your knee. Take your time; don’t rush the reps.”

3. Lateral Bound to Burpee

Start in an athletic stance. Leap to the left, landing on your left foot only, knee slightly bent; control your landing. Place your right foot on the floor; your feet should be shoulder width apart. Quickly squat, get into pushup position, lower your chest to the floor hop your feet to your hands, stand up, and jump. Leap right, landing on your right foot, and repeat the entire process. That’s 1 rep.

Struggling with the bound? Take a smaller hop.

4. Crab Bridge to Knee Lift

Lie on your back, palms on the floor, knees bent, feet close to your butt. Lift your butt a few inches and straighten your arms. This is the start. Lift your right foot, tucking knee to chest, and touch your knee with your opposite hand. Pause. Return to the start. Repeat on the other side. Then squeeze your glutes and press up through your heels until your shoulders, hips, and knees form a straight line. Return to the start. That’s 1 rep.

5. Gator Roll

Lie on your back, arms and legs extended, shoulder blades and thighs off the floor. This
is the start. Without letting your arms or legs touch the floor, roll to the right until you’re on your stomach. Pause, then roll back to the start.Repeat on the other side. That’s 1 rep.

Eb says: “One of my favorite moves here. Take your time rolling over and your abs will get maximum benefit.”

6. Lateral Bear Crawl to Bird Dog

Start on all fours, knees off the floor, core tight. Take 2 steps to the left. Pause. Lower your left knee to the floor, and extend your left arm in front of you and your right leg behind you. Return back to bear-crawl position and take 2 steps to the right; drop to your right knee and extend right arm and left leg. That’s 1 rep.

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