The Most Anti-Drama Zodiac Signs
Joshua Rawson-Harris, Unsplash
Some people are constantly making problems out of nothing. Meanwhile, others avoid conflict as much as they can. It's important to acknowledge that each individual is on a different journey with their emotional intelligence, maturity, and social skills. Everyone, of any zodiac sign, can be avoidant to create tension.
However, the following signs are inclined to prioritize a peaceful life, trying to distance themselves from situations or people who unnecessarily stir the pot. Let's look at which two zodiac signs are most likely low-key, too focused on their lane to be bothered.
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The 2 Most Drama-Free Zodiac Signs, According to Astrologers
Check if your zodiac sign is listed. For advanced astrology fans, scan for your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs.
Virgos (Suns, Moons, and Risings) are often negatively stereotyped as boring or bland. However, their inclination towards peaceful, calm lives, especially as they mature, is a unique strength. This Earth sign's detail-oriented mindset constantly analyzes situations, seeking structure and order, which is a commendable trait.
When Virgo gets involved with too much unnecessary drama, they feel scattered, drained, and neurotic. Therefore, this zodiac tends to learn to steer clear of negativity, as it turns all of their cerebral strengths into mental anxieties and weaknesses. This zodiac sign is the first to disengage from pettiness, immaturity, and unfair fights.
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Aquarius (Suns, Moons, and Risings) are concerned with keeping an objective, detached view of circumstances as often as possible. When put in the middle of drama, they usually try to find common ground between all parties impacted. However, those not ready to break free of chaotic patterns don't know how to receive this mindful approach.
This Air sign is often negatively stereotyped as disconnected and hard to reach in relationships. The truth is they have a hard time handling heightened emotions. They can't stomach unnecessary tension. However, as humans, we all tend to come with nonsensical emotional baggage, such as irrational fears or unresolved issues. Therefore, Aquarius tends to be more individualistic, independent, and challenging to pin down unless they sense you are a peacekeeper. They prefer quality over quantity of company.
Related: The Most Psychic Zodiac Signs, According to Astrologers