Your Monthly Love Horoscope for September 2022
Your Monthly Love Horoscope for September 2022. Discover your Monthly Love Horoscope for each zodiac sign here.
There’s a lot going on during the Mars-Jupiter sextile on September 1, and you love it. The busier you are, the happier you feel, which a current or potential partner appreciates. And because lucky Jupiter is linked to your fiery sign during this energetic aspect, sex is passionate and exciting albeit brief.
Romantic Venus isn’t all that comfy paired up with earthy Virgo starting on the fourth, but this less than emotional state lets you get a lot done without overanalyzing it. Your very logical and precise outlook on love might not stoke any flames of passion, but, sorry, every day can’t be spent getting busy!
On September 10, there’s a full moon in your psychic zone, so you might intuitively know exactly what your potential or current partner is thinking. Finishing each other’s sentences might be annoying, but it’s just proof that you and bae really are on the same wavelength.
The sun enters gentle Libra on the twenty-second followed by a new moon in this sweet, compromising sign three days later, subduing your temperamental tendencies and surrounding you with much more peaceful energy. You’d much rather make love than fight.
The sun is in fellow practical earth sign Virgo as a new month begins, and your loving leader Venus joins this very grounded, low-key party on September 4. But just because you aren’t over the top with your emotions right now doesn’t mean you aren’t in love. You just show it in a more subdued, less romantic way.
A full moon in emotional Pisces on the tenth kicks up the feelings a notch, but you might have a hard time making important decisions during this hazy lunation. If you don’t think you have enough facts to make a solid choice about a love-related issue, wait a while. Your dreams are vivid, but they don’t offer a lot of special romantic insight.
A confident Venus-Uranus earth trine on September 19 brings out your inner power and shows you what you can do if you keep an open mind. You can achieve a lot once you start accepting more out-there, nontraditional romantic concepts, theories and opportunities.
Your negotiating skills get a good workout during the Libra new moon on the twenty-fifth, and as your stubbornness steps aside, your willingness to compromise arrives. Not arguing about the small things like where to eat or what movie to watch saves so much time!
Intense Mars is linked up with your versatile sign during its sextile to lucky Jupiter on September 1, adding fun and excitement to the start of your month. Your busy schedule can be hectic, but it isn’t necessarily overwhelming. Let a current partner or date help you if you need it.
On the second, your talkative planetary guide Mercury is in fellow air sign Libra when it opposes Jupiter in fiery Aries, which can lead to trivial arguments that escalate quickly. If things get out of control, try to circle back to what the original conversation was about.
Wise asteroid Pallas meets up with motherly Cancer on September 6, so the people in your life with the most feminine energy tend to be your best guides when it comes to matters of the heart now. If you’re single. you might be attracted to nurturing, compassionate older people.
Mercury goes retrograde while in indecisive Libra on the ninth, which can be nerve-wracking and frustrating when it comes to all aspects of love. If you feel like you’ve said the wrong thing to a partner or lover, check out their reaction. You’ll know immediately if you need to apologize.
An investigative Mercury-Pluto earth trine arrives on September 27, causing you to go looking for the answer to a love-related problem that has been eluding you lately. Don’t rule out nontraditional research sources. The info you seek could be hiding just about anywhere.
Love is a left-brained endeavor while the sun is in logical Virgo early this month, Cancer, and when lovestruck Venus also pairs up with this earth sign’s grounded energy on September 4, the keyword is “caution.”
Wisdom-seeking asteroid Pallas partners with your emotional, nurturing sign on the sixth, which suggests you can get excellent advice about your love life from experienced older family members. While talking about intimate details with a parent or other guardian type might give you the willies, you don’t have to go into all the juicy details to get some very good guidance from them.
Your fellow compassionate water sign Pisces hosts the full moon on September 10, lighting up your house of adventure and enlightenment. You will be searching for a more meaningful relationship now, and whether it can be found with a current partner (or person you’re trying to get to know better) remains to be seen. If they’re not willing to go there with you, you have some thinking to do.
Your fourth house of home and family hosts both a new moon on the twenty-fifth and Venus starting four days later, which has you on the hunt for some serious emotional security. Now, you love spending most of your time at home where you’re surrounded by familiarity and comfort. Plan dates accordingly.
Love is a lot more patient and prudent than you’re used to as the sun moves through responsible earth sign Virgo at the beginning of the month. Even if you feel like jumping into the deep end, slowly wading into the shallow part produces better results now.
Communication manager Mercury heads into another retrograde cycle while paired with partnership-oriented Libra on September 9, giving you some time to reassess and recalculate the relationships you’re currently in or thinking about getting into. Any action taken now might stall out, so be sure you’ve thought out a plan very carefully before executing it.
On the eighteenth, there’s a grounding sun-Pluto earth trine that can increase your confidence and remind you how much value you add to a relationship. Remember that your actions speak louder than words, Leo. Saying one thing and doing another makes you seem sus.
Balancing romance with the other areas of your life is your main focus as the sun enters fair-minded Libra and a new season begins with the fall equinox on September 22. For the next several weeks, a peaceful transition unfolds as you start looking for ways to bring harmony and equilibrium to current or budding partnerships.
Prepare yourself to take on each month with your personalized Monthly Horoscope!
With the sun shining in your discriminating sign early this month, you’ll be seeking top-notch romantic experiences. You’re picky about the people you choose to spend your time with, which can be limiting, Virgo, but there’s nothing wrong with having high standards.
Romantic Venus partners with the sun in your sign on September 4, causing you to be even more careful and practical in all matters of the heart. You have a real sense of purpose during this transit, and you don’t let anything deter you from your romantic goals. Details are extremely important.
The sun in your precise sign opposes foggy Neptune in Pisces on the sixteenth, creating a lot of confusing energy surrounding love. Trying to figure out all the details of a romantic situation can be truly exhausting now, so take a break from problem solving for a while.
Mercury retrograde backs into your sign on September 23, infusing this typically confusing retro cycle with plenty of intelligence and analytical know-how. You’re smart enough to know that the less you say the better during this increased time of miscommunication.
Your month is filled with airy energy that is comforting, beautiful and peaceful, Libra. Talkative Mercury is in your persuasive sign during its opposition to Jupiter in fiery Aries on September 2, ensuring that you don’t take things too personally. Rejection is a part of love and dating, so you aren’t overly offended when you hear the word “no.”
Informative Mercury goes retrograde while in your sign on the ninth, and while there will be the expected amount of miscommunication and misunderstandings surrounding this backward cycle, your energy helps you come to peaceful resolutions and make compromises that keep your love life low-key and drama-free.
The sun enters your balanced sign on September 22, the same day as the fall equinox. A sun-Mercury conjunction in your lovely sign joins the party, emphasizing grace and charm in all matters of communication.
And before the month is up why not add a new moon in your sign on the twenty-fifth, with Venus also entering Libra four days later. We told you it was going to be a busy month for your adaptable sign! When you’re surrounded by this much airy energy, it’s impossible not to be hopeful about the future.
You can get easily overwhelmed when your co-leader Mars sextiles expansive Jupiter on September 1, so while there is good potential for positive things to happen now, your introverted self might not be able to take full advantage of them.
On the ninth, Mercury goes retrograde while partnering with open-minded air sign Libra, so you’re best off navigating this difficult cycle when you set your control issues aside. Clashes with a current partner or date can easily occur when you refuse to see their side of the story or insist on sticking with your narrow-minded opinions.
Your emotions are set on high when the moon is full in water sign Pisces on September 10, sending out dreamy vibes and helping you imagine your most romantic “happily ever after” scenario. It doesn’t even matter if you’re not close to reaching it IRL. Just being able to picture it gives you hope.
On the twenty-third, communicative Mercury enters your loyal, honest sign, so for the coming weeks you’ll expect the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. And if you catch a current or potential partner in a lie, good luck to them trying to earn back your trust. You give second chances, but you rarely forget.
Love is exciting during the Mars-Jupiter sextile on September 1, especially if you’re open to a new adventure. If you’ve been holding back, this is your signal to let go and experience everything that being in love has to offer.
On the second, an opposition between conversational Mercury and mind-expanding Jupiter, your leader, can lead to some unfortunate misunderstandings, and you can’t help but take a comment personally. Even though the other person probably said it without thinking, you still hurt.
On September 22, the sun exits tense Virgo for easygoing air sign Libra and the fall equinox is upon us. As you welcome the new season, the upcoming romantic possibilities seem endless. Balance will be an important theme over the next several weeks.
A lot of things in the love department start to go your way during the sun-Jupiter opposition on the twenty-sixth, and they should stay that way as long as you don’t take your luck for granted. As soon as you start to get cocky about it all—poof! It could just as easily go up in smoke.
Love isn’t entirely tied up in a neat little bow while the sun travels through Virgo early this month, but it is tidy and precise. And you’re more than happy to leave the drama behind as you focus on serious things.
A full moon in deep-feeling Pisces on September 10 could turn you into an emotional mess, especially when you think about the past and “the one that got away.” Getting closure can be an extreme relief during this reflective lunation, although that might mean you have to reach out to someone from the past. Stay strong.
On the eighteenth, an earth trine between the Virgo sun and captivating Pluto in your ambitious sign surrounds you with some very captivating energy. You hold a lot of internal power now, and it shows on the outside. Your confidence attracts many types of people now, but you’re very choosy about whose affections you return. As you should be.
On September 27, a trine between intensely passionate Mars and your ambitious home planet Saturn brings some serious heat, and you’re quite the clever thinker when it comes to reaching your love goals. Maybe everyone doesn’t have major romantic objectives, but you do. And you’re killing them, Capricorn!
You’re focused on merging with another soul while romantic Venus powers through your karmic love zone starting on September 4. All of the details matter as you either look to strengthen a current connection or build a new relationship on a rock-solid foundation.
You gain wisdom from taking a logical approach to love while asteroid Pallas enters your house of perfection and efficiency on the sixth, and you’ll be looking for people to spend time with who share your analytical outlook. Attached Water Bearers can easily become disenchanted with a current partner who can’t control their emotions in a clutch situation.
A practical earth trine between the sun in Virgo and your ruler Uranus in Taurus on September 11 promotes an abundance of positivity, especially when you weigh your current situation’s pros and cons. Although change is an inevitable part of life, you could easily stay in your current position for quite a while,
An inspiring new moon zooms into your values zone on September 25, and Ceres soon follows four days later. Being with just anyone simply will not do during these two respect-seeking transits. Your standards are high for good reason, Aquarius. You know that you’re worth it.
You’re seeking wisdom from your romantic interactions as asteroid Pallas exits airy Gemini and enters maternal Cancer on September 6. You don’t always learn important love lessons the first time around, but getting advice from a close older (possibly female) relative helps drive the point home during this nurturing transit.
Your creativity spikes during the full moon in your artistic, imaginative sign on the tenth, allowing you to reach for the stars. If your current approach to love isn’t working, a new idea could jump-start things to epic levels. Dream big!
On September 16, an opposition between the Virgo sun and your leader Neptune in your own sensitive sign can cause unnecessary drama and zap you of your energy and hopeful outlook. You might want to cancel or reschedule dates for this time or pencil in some alone time to recuperate from this overwhelming feeling.
The lovely pairing of Venus and Libra that begins on the twenty-ninth is graceful and aligns with your peace-loving vibe. It’s hard to imagine arguing with the special person in your life as long as this harmonious energy surrounds you. If you’re single, you need a gentle, beautiful Libra in your life ASAP!
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