Man Encounters Huge Alligator While Skim Boarding in Florida
It scared him to death!
Native Floridians are no strangers to a variety of wildlife--from pythons to gators and even monkeys. Still, encounters can be startling at the very least. Just ask skim boarder @etskimss, who had a surprising alligator sighting that's leaving viewers stunned.
Nearly 4 million TikTok users have seen this video so far, though we're sure no one is as shook as @etskims was when he first saw the animal. He actually got really close to the gator, and he's perfectly fine!
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OMG! For such a 'small' gator, this critter is causing quite a stir. At first, we thought we'd be the only ones impressed by this animal's size.
"I mean yeah it’s a small gator compared to most of the big ones out here," said @butdidyoureally. Well, OK then! You go take a swim with this guy in the water and let us know how it goes. For real, though--you can't convince us that this alligator is small.
"I was thinking a little juvenile alligator," @wild_wolfie96 wrote. So were we! In our minds, 'small' would equate to 2 or 3 feet long... not that we would even risk going near the water with a small gator. Commenter @mshsjl agreed, writing, "IDK how people get in the water knowing there's a gator in it." You definitely aren't alone there! Maybe it's just because we're not from Florida, but gator interactions get a solid 'nope' from us.
@Astrocat7777 confirmed, "this is literally the most Florida thing I’ve ever seen and I’ve lived here my whole life." Well--we suppose you learn to live with whatever wildlife is around. Whether it seems like a foreign concept or just another day at the lake, there's no denying how impressive those skim boarding skills are.
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