Mama Bear’s Defense Reaction Kicks in When Car Gets Too Close to Her Cubs
Mamas of all kinds are often referred to as 'mama bears' when they step up to defend their babies. Barstool Outdoors shared a video on Thursday, February 8th of a real mama bear in action, and the people who recorded her came very close to getting attacked in their car.
The video shows a mama bear and her three cubs climbing a snowbank on the side of the road. Mom has no problem getting up it of course, and two of the cubs manage to climb up as well. The third cub can't get up and starts to cry for mom's help. Mom sees the people in the car slow down to watch and runs to help her baby. Watch what happens when mom's protective reaction kicks in a few seconds later.
Mama bear was not messing around! That baby was crying and scared, and she wanted that car to get far away from her babies and made sure that they knew that they were too close for comfort. @Barstool Outdoor's video cut off before we could see if the bear cub finally made it up - I hope mom was able to get him out of the road and back to safety!
Related: Mama Bear and Cubs Enjoy a Dip in Woman's Pool and People Are Praising Her
Facts About Mama Bears and Their Cubs
Mama bears are known for being extremely protective of their cubs and for getting aggressive anytime they feel threatened or think that their cubs are in harm's way. They'll stand up to appear taller if they feel threatened, and they'll also attack without a second thought.
Cubs will stay with their mom for the first two - three years of their lives. Mom not only protects and feeds them, but also teaches them how to hunt for their own food, climb trees, fight, and everything else they need to survive. The cubs learn by watching their mom, imitating her, and of course by doing it themselves.
While mama bears seem very scary, it's another story when it comes to their cubs. They're very patient, loving, and even cuddly with their babies. And if the mom comes across orphaned or lost cubs, they've been known to "adopt" them and raise them as their own. They can remember where their hibernation dens are as well as where sources of food are, which helps ensure they can keep their cubs safe and fed.
Of course, bear cubs are adorable, but if you ever happen to stumble across cubs without their mom (and especially if they're with their mom) never approach them or try to pet them. You never know where mom might be and the last thing you want to do is get between a mama bear and her cubs.
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