Mama Bear Charges Car on Canadian Highway to Try and Protect Her Cubs
When you hear the term 'mama bear' you probably automatically think of a very protective mother, and that's exactly what the grizzly bear in this video is! NBC Montana shared a video on their Facebook page on Sunday, April 21st of a mama bear protecting her cubs from a man driving by them on a Canadian highway.
Wade Payne was on his way to help out a friend when he noticed a family of bears north of the border in southern Alberta, near Waterton Lakes National Park. While the family had already made it away from the road and through the wire fencing to safety, mama wanted to let him know he was too close to her three cubs, and he needed to keep moving. Make sure your sound is on so you can hear what Payne has to say about the encounter.
She was not playing! She didn't want anybody anywhere near her babies - she is the epitome of the term 'mama bear'! NBC Montana's video has been viewed millions of times and people have left thousands of comments about it. @Angie Ferguson pointed out, "She's beautiful and protected her and her cubs." @Janice Gordon added, "Scary warning from mama bear yikes!"
With all of these bears coming out of hibernation, there have been a lot of encounters recently. @Esther Arroyo shared, "Mama bear don’t play, she went through that fence like it was just another day. Those people that took the baby bear from the tree just to take a selfie, if the mama bear saw that, she would jump that fence and got them for grabbing her babies and I would cheer mama bear!"
Related: Mama Bear Seemingly 'Drops Off' Her 4 Cubs for Woman to Babysit
Mama Bears and Their Cubs
Mama bears are known for being extremely protective of their cubs and for getting aggressive anytime they feel threatened or think that their cubs are in harm's way. I think it's clear from this video that it's good just to steer clear of them! Mothers will stand up to appear taller if they feel threatened, and they'll attack without a second thought if they think their cubs are in danger.
While mama bears seem scary to us humans, it's another story when it comes to their cubs. They're very patient, loving, and even cuddly with their babies. They nurture and feed their cubs until they are about 2-1/2 years old. Interestingly, if a mother comes across orphaned or lost cubs, they've been known to "adopt" them and raise them as their own.
The cubs learn how to survive by watching their mom, imitating her, and of course by doing things themselves. Mothers can remember where their hibernation dens are as well as where sources of food are, which helps ensure they can keep their cubs safe and fed. They sound a lot like human mamas!
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