You Can Buy Magic Spell Candles From These Divine Online Shops
You Can Buy Magic Spell Candles From These Divine Online Shops
If you're sitting there wondering, "Wait, spell candles exist?" the answer is yes. They're real, and they've been around for quite some time. And if you're a person who's interested in witchcraft, they're actually a good option for beginners. According to Tamed Wild, a magic and lifestyle brand, spell candles and ritual candles have been "used throughout time to focus and direct intent while honoring and evoking the divine."
Basically, candle magic is an ancient tradition with a long history. Using spell candles is more involved than just lighting them and letting them burn. You're supposed to cleanse and charge them first, according to Wiccan Spells and Black Witch Coven. (See both sites for more info on that process.) And, if you're serious about trying one out, there are other important things to keep in mind, too. Before you use a magic candle or start performing any spells or rituals, you should read up on witchcraft and the particular candles you choose, including their uses and the intentions behind them.
If the thought of these candles piques your interest, here are the shops to check out to pick one up (and learn more about them).
Crow Haven Corner Spell Candles
$17-$22, Crow Haven Corner
At Salem, Massachusetts-based shop Crow Haven Corner, you'll find a selection of both large and small pillar spell candles, all of which have been "handmade with magic using traditional formulas of herbs and oils, under the direction of Lorelei." (Lorelei is a clairvoyant and witch.) Spell candles options here include Banishing, Healing, Buh Bye, Good Mojo, Justice, Sex Magic, Success, Love, Money, Protection, and more.
Tamed Wild Spell Candles
$27, Tamed Wild
At Tamed Wild, you can choose from ten different spell and ritual candles—from options like Ancestors and The Lovers to The Feminine, The Masculine, Abundance, and Purification. According to the site, the candles have been "dressed and enchanted with herbs, oils & crystals chosen for their metaphysical & magickal properties." Tamed Wild suggests lighting your chosen candles during spells, rituals, prayers, and meditation.
Madame Phoenix Crystal Spell Candles
$20, Etsy
Madame Phoenix's Etsy shop has a plethora of magic candles to choose from, like these crystal-based spell candles. Each one is handmade with special essential oils, herbs, and resins, infused with crystal energy, and topped with a stone (which the site claims gets charged when you light the candle). Rose Quartz, for example, promotes self-love and self-acceptance. There are other options, like Black Tourmaline (which dispels negative energy), Sodalite, Amethyst, and more.
Madame Phoenix Zodiac Candles
$20, Etsy
The crystal candles aren't the only cool finds in Madame Phoenix's shop. There are also spell candles based on all of the astrological signs. They can serve one of two key purposes: either to bring out the positive qualities of your zodiac sign in yourself during that sign's season or to represent you or another person in a spell or ritual. Head to the shop to find your sign.
These candles, made with herbs, essential oils, and crystals, are made to be used in spells and rituals as part of the ancient tradition of candle magic.