Luxemburg-Casco Middle School students receive experiential learning through Trout in the Classroom program
LUXEMBURG, Wis. (WFRV) – Luxemburg-Casco Middle School students are using a new experimental learning method in the classroom.
This year, seventh-grade science students are taking experiential learning to a high level through a new program, Trout in the Classroom.
The educational initiative provides the students with hands-on exposure to the Salmonid life cycle, which directly relates to classroom instruction.
Trout in the Classroom was started at Luxemburg-Casco by Middle School Science Teacher DJ Delebreau. He has worked closely with Logan Sikora, a senior fisheries biologist with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) for Kewaunee and Door counties.
The program provides students with the opportunity for immersive learning through the nurturing of Brown Trout (Salmo trutta) from eggs to fingerlings, all the while observing the environmental conditions and growth of the trout in the tank.
“The students have really enjoyed having the fish in the classroom and watching them develop through their life cycle,” says Delebreau. “I have strived to relate and correlate our lessons in class to life-cycle stages that are going on in the tank of the fish.”
Delebreau hopes to continue the program in the future.
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