Look Back ... to a permanent principal for Weaver Elementary, 1998
Nov. 20—Nov. 20, 1948: The date fell on a Saturday during a 12-year period (1940-52) when The Star didn't publish on that day of the week.
Nov. 20, 1998, in The Star: Weaver Elementary School interim principal Michael Looney is now in the position permanently. Besides taking that action, the Calhoun County Board of Education last night also elected board member Dale Harbin to serve as board president for the next year. Dr. Norman Dasinger will serve as vice president. The board also approved a five-year capital spending plan that will add classrooms and/or office space across the system. Also this date: The Cleburne County Emergency Management Agency is nearing completion of the county's first outdoor emergency warning system, according to county EMA director Steve Swafford. Electrical power will be connected this week to warning sirens in Abernathy, Borden Springs, Fruithurst and Heflin. The sirens will be tested during the coming week, and the system should be fully operational by Dec. 1.
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