Look Back ... to Pearl Buck speaking in J'ville, 1949
Jan. 28—Jan. 28, 1949, in The Star: "An era has ended in the world. It ended with the climax of the second World War," declared Pearl Sydenstricker Buck last night in Jacksonville as she unraveled the events in a changing age as simply and calmly as the best prose in her Nobel Prize-winning novel, The Good Earth. Miss Buck directed her remarks to an audience of more than 1,000 people who crowded into the Community Center to hear her speak. According to reporter Elise Ayers, Miss Buck told her listeners with polite respect exactly what she thought of General MacArthur. "I would like to invite Gen. MacArthur away from Japan, so that we can see the country. He uses food as a means to rule. That's no way to teach democracy." Also this date: A low bid has been accepted by Anniston officials for expansion projects at three Anniston schools. Glen Addie School will get a cafeteria, auditorium and two classrooms; Sixth Ward School will get three new classrooms and a combination cafeteria-auditorium; South Highland plans call for two new classrooms. Additionally: First Baptist Church of Oxford has had plans for a while to construct an education building. Church leaders now say groundbreaking for the structure will be March 16.
Jan. 28, 1999, in The Star: In the last two weeks, animals control officers with Anniston Police Department have captured nine raccoons within the city limits, many of them in the heart of the downtown area. All of the animals have tested negative for rabies, but the majority tested positive for distemper. Also this date: Beginning in March, purchasers of cigarettes or chewing tobacco in Piedmont will have to pay six cents additional as a municipal tax increase. Approved earlier this week, the new income will allow Piedmont leaders to carry out street and building repair projects.
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