Live expert Q&A: Are gap years worthwhile – and where should you go?
Now the dust has settled on A-Level results day, students across the country are weighing up the pros and cons of a gap year. Are they an invaluable opportunity to learn more about the world (and yourself) – or a waste of time and money?
Perhaps you or someone you know is planning a gap year. So what sort of trips are most worthwhile? And what is the best advice for teenagers about to embark on a far-flung adventure? Leave your questions and comments at the bottom of this article.
In Britain, the gap year reached its peak in 2008, when more than 21,000 18-year-olds deferred their university place to take a year out. But rising tuition fees saw that figure plummet to just over 7,000 in 2011. The decline in the value of the pound following the Brexit referendum has made an extended break even less economically appealing. All of which explains why today's gappers are increasingly looking for internships and work placements, often paid, which will help offset costs and will give CVs a genuine boost. So are we witnessing the death of the traditional gap year?
Volunteering, meanwhile, remains a surefire way of getting to know a place and its people intimately. In recent years, however, there have been strong messages about avoiding volunteering in orphanages. So how can you make sure a trip is ethical?
To discuss these issues, and offer advice, we've invited a panel of experts, each with a wealth of knowledge about gap year trips, trends, perks and pitfalls. We also want you to share your gap year memories. Where did you go and what did you do? Was it a life-changing experience or a disappointment? What words of wisdom do you have for today's generation of globetrotters?
Join us from noon until 1pm (BST) on Friday August 17 as a panel of experts try to answer these questions and respond to your comments.
The panel
Sarah Dean, head of marketing, STA Travel
Jordan Williams, TEFL travel expert, i-to-i
Adam Janaway, operations manager, BUNAC
Chris Leadbeater, Telegraph Travel correspondent
To join in, simply register to comment, or log in to your account. You can leave a question ahead of the live chat, or join us at 12pm.
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