Little Bird Turns a Head of Broccoli Into a Bed and It's Just Irresistible
TBH, this little fellow looks extremely comfy.
Sometimes the Internet just doesn't make any sense, which is why we all love it. On occasion you'll see a video of a kid being interviewed about his adoration of corn or people will start hilariously riffing on a girl who is screaming into a boy's ear at a musical festival. We are pretty sure we have a contender for another of those Internet things that is amazingly awesome even though it makes no sense, and that's @Duncan_lying_on_things.
Which is, as you can guess, just a bird lying on things and it's basically one of the best things ever.
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People are going wild for this hilarious little bird and @Summer comments, "Lovely video 10/10 what internet was supposed to be used for in my opinion." Yup, agreed, more Duncan content, all the time. @Rubygal18 hilariously comments, "I put cheese on my broccoli but to each his own…"@Jennypenncola notices what a lot of us did and says, "Look how he crosses his little feets!"
We demand the Internet make Duncan a star! He is just too unexplainably adorable!
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