Literally Just 13 Photos of the Baby Trump Balloon in All Its Glory
In advance of Trump's visit to the UK today, protesters gathered in London's Parliament Square for a massive anti-Trump Administration rally, where British citizens were able to catch a glimpse of the giant Trump baby balloon that flew over Parliament for two hours. Here, our favorite photos in all of their orange-faced, tiny-handed glory.
The balloon offered no shortage of cartoonish detail, including a safety pin diaper, chest hair, and a phone that appears to be open to Twitter.
The Trump baby balloon is inflated in London's Parliament Square.
The British flag waves at the ground below the balloon.
The Trump baby balloon is inflated in London's Parliament Square.
The Trump baby balloon appears in the reflection of a protestor's sunglasses.
Protestors wore "Bollocks to Brexit, Bollocks to Trump" stickers at today's protest.
Note the size of the balloon's arms compared to the size of its hands.
Creators didn't skimp on the orange latex.
Protesters snap photos of the balloon as workers prepare for its ascent.
The Trump baby balloon begins its ascent over Parliament.
The Trump balloon begins to rise over a crowd in front of Parliament.
Protesters tasked with inflating the balloon wore "Trump Babysitter" jumpsuits.
This protestor's "Go Home Orange Racist" sign featured the Trump baby balloon pictured on another, smaller balloon.
In advance of Trump's visit to the UK today, protesters gathered in London's Parliament Square for a massive anti-Trump Administration rally, where British citizens were able to catch a glimpse of the giant Trump baby balloon that flew over Parliament for two hours. Here, our favorite photos in all of their orange-faced, tiny-handed glory.
The balloon flew over Parliament for two hours today.