Okay, My Literal Pea-Sized Brain Is Completely Blown After Seeing These 60 Incredibly Fascinating Pictures For The Very First Time Last Month
1.This is what a store-bought egg looks like compared with an egg bought at a farmers market:
I want that egg. I need that egg.
2.American Froot Loops and Canadian Froot Loops are totally different colors:
This is due to regulations in Canada concerning food additives and coloring.
3.This is what Michelangelo's statue "David" looks like from behind:
4.This is what a jail cell in Sweden's biggest prison looks like:
Specifically a cell in Kumla Prison. Would love to commit a crime in Sweden.
5.This, from 1896, is what one of Pablo Picasso's first-ever self-portraits looks like:
And this, from 1972, is what one of Picasso's last self-portraits looks like:
6.This is what a mass of DNA looks like:
No jokes in the comments about masses of DNA, folks. Please no.
7.This is how big a wolf's paw print is compared with a human hand:
My goodness.
8.This is what the set of Seinfeld looked like:
Specifically, this is what it looked like during the filming of the Seinfeld reunion episode during Season 7 of Curb Your Enthusiasm.
And this is what the set of I Love Lucy looks like in full color:
It feels so...wrong.
9.Australia is really, really big:
Like, huge.
10.This is what a stack of $1,000 worth of uncirculated $1 bills looks like next to a stack of $1,000 worth of used $1 bills:
Strangely satisfying.
11.This is what the "American Candy" section looks like in a UK store:
Folks, not sure about this one.
12.And this is what the American section in a German sporting goods store looks like:
Looks about right.
13.In a deck of cards, every king except for the king of hearts has a mustache:
14.You're probably familiar with the "Face on Mars," an image of a formation on Mars from the 1970s that launched a million conspiracy theories...
...well, this is what a much less blurry, much more recent photograph of that same "face" looks like:
I still want to believe.
15.This is what the inside of a water tower looks like:
Looks like the water in that one scene in Titanic.
16.This is what the late 7-foot-7-inch NBA legend Manute Bol looked like while swimming in a typical swimming pool:
Now we need to see Muggsy Bogues swimming in the pool for comparison.
17.This is what the back of the "Mona Lisa" looks like:
18.This is what a husky looks like compared with a wolf:
Wolves: They're big.
19.America is still very, very young:
20.This is what a human skeleton looks like compared with a gorilla skeleton:
The gorilla skeleton would make a fantastic offensive lineman, I think.
21.This is what a $500 bill looks like:
That's President William McKinley's smiling face. Although these bills were printed close to 100 years ago, on the extreme off chance you find one of them, they are still legal tender.
22.Curved escalators exist:
More impressive than the one on the Titanic, IMO.
23.This right here is a photo from President Abraham Lincoln's first inauguration in 1861:
Can you spot Honest Abe?
24.This is what the world's tallest man, Sultan K?sen, looks like next to his wife:
Originally from Turkey, K?sen stands 8 feet 3 inches tall.
And this is what his hand looks like holding a can of Pepsi:
25.This is what a cross-section of wood from the 1950s looks like compared with a cross-section of wood from today:
The modern wood is on top, the 1950s wood on bottom.
26.Now, you're obviously familiar with the front side of a peacock. It's majestic. Glorious, even! But have you ever seen a peacock's back side? Now you have:
Not so special now, are ya???
27.Cooling towers have an open bottom:
28.You can tell the difference between cheap pasta and expensive pasta by looking at them:
On the left is the cheaper pasta, on the right the expensive pasta.
29.Screwdrivers...well, screwdrivers can be really, really big:
My goodness.
30.This photo is one of only two photos in existence of the US Supreme Court in session:
The court has never allowed cameras. In 1937, photographer Erich Salomon pretended that his arm was broken and put the camera inside a sling he wore into the court and snapped this pic.
31.Highway signs are way bigger than your tiny little brain thought they were:
And yet you still always make the wrong turn.
32.This flag, from 1850, is one of two original and authentic Jolly Rogers in existence today:
Hmmm. Much less intimidating than I would have thought.
33.The small island in the middle of this picture is where Princess Diana is buried:
She was buried there so the water could "act as a buffer against the interventions of the insane and ghoulish" and any other curious people.
34.This is what the Jeopardy host's podium looks like during a show:
35.Hospitals have machines that allow doctors and nurses to see exactly where your veins are:
36.This is what the Rosetta stone looks like from the front...
...and this is what the back of the Rosetta stone looks like:
A big ole rock.
37.In the hours after he died, a bronze death mask was made of Napoleon Bonaparte's face:
Also not what I was expecting.
38.This is what the biggest leaf ever found in the Amazon Rainforest looks like compared with an adult man:
39.During World War II, the statue of "David" by Michelangelo was completely encased in bricks to prevent damage from bombs:
And no, it does not look like something else. Stop that.
40.This, in all its glory, is what the inside of the Wienermobile looks like:
Wow. What a sight.
41.Elephants have "humanlike" breasts:
I know this and now you do too.
42.This is the top hat Abraham Lincoln wore the night he was assassinated:
43.A toucan's skull looks very, very tiny next to its beak:
44.This is what a "fresh cup" of banana juice looks like:
I will never be the same after seeing this.
45.This is what's behind a movie screen:
A whole bunch of speakers just blastin' sound at your maw.
46.This is what a map of the world's oceans and only the world's oceans looks like:
They're connected! Duh!
47.The words added to the dictionary in 1900 are an absolute doozy:
Shout out to "dewberry."
48.This is what's under a pool table:
Wow. Incredible.
49.This is what a newborn baby hippo looks like:
This lil' fella here is only a few weeks old.
50.Some elevators have buttons you can press with your FEET:
Lord knows I need this everywhere.
51.In the mid-1800s, any of these things could get you admitted to a "lunatic asylum":
They were seen as reasons a person became afflicted with whatever mental or emotional conditions ailed them rather than actual manifestations of mental illness.
52.This right here is a giant earthworm that was found in Queensland, Australia:
Very chill!
53.This is the oldest picture of the White House ever taken:
It was taken in 1846.
54.In 1939, Mahatma Gandhi wrote a letter to Adolf Hitler pleading with him not to go to war:
It reads:
"Dear friend,
"Friends have been urging me to write to you for the sake of humanity. But I have resisted their request, because of the feeling that any letter from me would be an impertinence. Something tells me that I must not calculate and that I must make my appeal for whatever it may be worth.
"It is quite clear that you are today the one person in the world who can prevent a war which may reduce humanity to the savage state. Must you pay the price for an object however worthy it may appear to you to be? Will you listen to the appeal of one who has [d]eliberately shunned the method of war not without considerable success? Any way I anticipate your forgiveness, if I have erred in writing to you."
55.This is what the Hindenburg looked like while it was under construction:
It was absolutely enormous.
And this is what the dining hall looked like on board the finished zeppelin:
56.This is the size of a flag flown on a Spanish ship at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1905:
Absolutely massive!
57.This is what a real, authentic plague mask from the 1500s looked like:
Not terrifying at all.
58.Social Security cards used to not be a flimsy little piece of paper:
59.This is Herman the Cat, a cat who was given the title of expert mouser aboard a US Coast Guard ship during World War II:
Herman, in addition to other cats aboard ships, was there to catch pests. It was a thing. Folks, do we stan Herman the Cat?
60.And finally, this is the statement President Jimmy Carter wrote and put aboard the Voyager 1 spacecraft, intended for any aliens the probe might encounter:
It reads:
"This Voyager spacecraft was constructed by the United States of America. We are a community of 240 million human beings among the more than 4 billion who inhabit the planet Earth. We human beings are still divided into nation states, but these states are rapidly becoming a single global civilization.
"We cast this message into the cosmos. It is likely to survive a billion years into our future, when our civilization is profoundly altered and the surface of the Earth may be vastly changed. Of the 200 billion stars in the Milky Way galaxy, some — perhaps many — may have inhabited planets and spacefaring civilizations. If one such civilization intercepts Voyager and can understand these recorded contents, here is our message:
"This is a present from a small distant world, a token of our sounds, our science, our images, our music, our thoughts, and our feelings. We are attempting to survive our time so we may live into yours. We hope someday, having solved the problems we face, to join a community of galactic civilizations. This record represents our hope and our determination, and our good will in a vast and awesome universe."