Lili Reinhart Posted Then Deleted a Snarky Comment About the Cole Sprouse Breakup Reports
Lili Reinhart still isn't over the tabloids reporting she and Cole Sprouse broke up two weeks ago...or at least poking fun at their "source"-fueled reports. The Riverdale actress posted a snarky comment on a video Variety published of Cole Sprouse being interviewed for its Power of Young Hollywood issue, then deleted it later as the public started reacting to it.
Comments by Celebs posted a screenshot of it before Reinhart removed it (as did several people on Twitter). "Sources say he's single now- is he available?" she wrote. Fans noticed she deleted the comment, so now the comment section of the post is filled with people tagging her and others remarking "aw, Lili deleted her comment."
Reinhart and Sprouse have not directly answered the question of whether or not they're still together. But Reinhart has given plenty of evidence they are. She made headlines this weekend when she posed a "sappy" love poem to Sprouse for his birthday.
She wrote:
I tried to find a poem
that I could send to you.
Because my words were failing me.
But I searched and found nothing that did you justice.
All of these love poems can’t get it right.
No one else’s words could ever fit.
They haven’t known the fortune it is to love you. -sappy nighttime birthday poem for @colesprouse
Sprouse responded a day later to her sentimental gesture with a trolling comment: "Follow for follow?" he wrote.
And of course, they both took aim at the tabloids before when promoting their W cover story. It was their first comment on the multiple reports going around that the two had split earlier in the summer, although they could reconcile.
"BREAKING: A reliable source has confirmed that none of you know shit," Reinhart captioned her shot. "UNPRECEDENTED: Cole Sprouse and Lili Reinhart consume the flesh of ‘reliable sources’ to fuel their bacchanalian sex cult," Sprouse wrote over the same image on his own Instagram.
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