Latine Grandkids Are Sharing The Things You'd Only Know If You Grew Up With Latine Grandparents
There's nothing like visiting your abuelo or abuela and hearing some of the things that come out of their mouth. Whether it be something profound, funny, or dated, we have all had that conversation with our grandparents that stuck in our head.
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I asked for some of the most memorable sayings that people heard growing up with Latine grandparents. Here were some of the best responses:
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1."Nadie aprende por cabeza ajena." ("No one learns from someone else's head.")
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This is a simple life lesson saying you don't learn from other people's experiences, but from your own. There are specific life lessons or experiences that only you can have and learn from, and although the literal translation sounds silly, it makes so much sense and is very simple to follow. Now go on and try and pineapple on pizza for yourself.
2."Tanto nadar para morir en la orilla." ("So much swimming, only to die at the shore.")
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I always looked at this as someone who has done so much for a goal or dream but has given up right when they're within reach. We've all to some degree have had this happen or know of someone who has dealt with this and learned just how hard certain goals are. It's a matter of whether or not we can keep pushing ourselves to achieve what we want even when it feels out of reach. At times we do so much "swimming" that we don't even realize just how close we are to shore, so like Dory said, "Just keep swimming."
3."Dime con quién andas, y te diré quién eres." ("Tell me who you hang out with, and I'll tell you who you are.")
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This is the Spanish version: "Show me who your friends are, and I'll tell you who you are." This saying has been around for ages and still rings true; the character of the people you surround yourself with also speaks about your character. We've all experienced people in our lives that we had to separate ourselves from to grow. This lesson is always worth keeping in mind as it'll never be irrelevant.
4."No tires piedras, si tu techo es de cristal." ("Don't throw stones with a glass ceiling.")
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The saying "Those who live in a glass house shouldn't throw stones" is another important life lesson. Criticizing people for flaws you possess yourself does no one any good, and speaks to the person you are that's doing so. I feel this was usually said about any gossipers around, as the bochinche could sometimes get spicy when drama is afoot.
5."Haz bien y no mires a quién." ("Do good no matter who it is.")
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This is a tremendous overall saying for people to always do good and never look at who it is you're doing good for. No matter who you are or what you look like, you do good deeds not for any beneficial gain, but because it's the right thing to do. There's nothing like seeing people do something good for others when it doesn't serve them; those moments always warm the heart.
6."El que no oye consejo, no llega a viejo." ("He who doesn't listen to advice doesn't grow old.")
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Another simple take about leaving your pride elsewhere and knowing when to humble yourself and take advice from people who know better. Certain lessons you will learn through your own experience, but a lesson in listening and humility is also vital. This doesn't mean all advice is good advice, but it does teach you to listen and evaluate the advice given. If it makes sense, then follow through, and if not, then keep it moving.
7.“Arrópate hasta donde te llegue la sábana." ("Cover yourself as much as the bedsheet gives you.")
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This phrase is adaptable to any life experience, where you can only use as much as you have. Whether it be financially, emotionally, or otherwise, you can use this as sound advice for knowing your limits and being savvy with what you got.
8."Amor de lejo, amor de pendejo." ("Love, from a distance, is a love for idiots.")
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Although this might be a little vulgar to some, the reality is, that's how it was said to us growing up. Anybody who uttered these words usually was not fond of long-distance relationships. I can't say I totally agree, because I have seen them work, but it's definitely not easy, and I could see the pain our grandparents were trying to keep us from.
9."A caballo regalao, no se le mira el diente." ("If given a horse for a gift, do not inspect its teeth.")
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A lesson in manners and gratitude, this phrase sounds even sillier when translated. I think most people try to be respectful when receiving gifts, though I'm sure we have all gotten that one gift where we had to play it off real well that we actually liked it. It happens, but it's always good to be thankful for any gift and show gratitude to those who are being so giving.
10."El camarón que se duerme, se lo lleva la corriente." ("Shrimp that falls asleep is carried away by the current.")
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For all the procrastinators and lazy ones out there, this lesson is for you. If you let life just pass you by, you could get swept by the current of life and end up losing out on opportunities. It's the awareness of your surroundings and knowing where you're at in life so you can know where to go and not get caught up in other things that don't serve you.
Did you hear any of these sayings growing up with your abuela or abuelo? Let us know in the comments below and throw in any that I missed.
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