Lake County Genealogical Society having summer Potluck Picnic
Jul. 15—The Lake County Genealogical Society will be meeting at 5:30 p.m. July 25 for their summer Potluck Picnic.
The picnic will be at the Concord Woods Nature Park Shelter at 11211 Spear Road in Concord. Township. Attendees are asked to bring a dish to share and their own table service along with theirr favorite non-alcoholic beverage, according to a news release.
Following the potluck will be a program in which Mary Huey will lead a "Show and Tell on Textiles and Family History." Huey encourages all to bring along a textile heirloom such as a quilt, embroidery, knitting, or crochet item to share at the meeting, the release stated.
She has worked for 40 years as a quilt making teacher. While teaching folks to make new quilts, she also did consultation on repairing and preserving vintage quilts.
Huey will share some information on dating and the care and preservation of heirloom textiles which add another dimension to family history.