Kind Woman Hailed a Hero for Saving Guinea Pigs Dumped on the Side of the Road
They were abandoned in their cage.
TikTok users from across the globe are sending love to Sheila from @theweatheredroost for her heroic (and adorable) good deed. She documented the moment when she went to investigate a small animal cage that had been dumped on the side of the road. She didn't hesitate for even a moment to take the cage with her when she realized there were three guinea pigs inside.
The rodents are now living happy, healthy lives with an adoring family thanks to Shiela's actions, but that doesn't make the first moments of the rescue any less powerful. Who knows what could've happened if Sheila hadn't come along!
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We can't believe these three gorgeous guinea pigs were dumped on the side of the road! Some people are truly cruel. We agree wholeheartedly with @ladybugjohnson116 who said, "the troll who left them on the side of the road should themselves be left on the side of the road. Thank you for saving those babies." Sheila is an angel on earth! Not only did she take the piggies in from the cold, but she found them a forever home, too.
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And they all lived Happily Ever After! It seems like everyone is feeling relieved and happy after learning about the guinea pigs' fate, though lots of commenters are sending love to Sheila, too.
"I’m glad that they have a good family," wrote @sarahpantera1986. "Thank you for picking them up and being so caring. Animals are like family." They really are! We're just so glad that the rescued guinea pigs will get to be a part of their own family, too.
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