Just Musing: A new month and a bit of praise
We turned the page on a new month this past week. March can always be a very mysterious month weather wise. As I write this on Tuesday evening, I don’t know what the weather was March 1. We all know the old adage if March comes in like a lion it goes out like a lamb and vice versa.
Personally, I’m hoping it came in like a lion as I will be driving north at the end of the month and would prefer to have warm weather with no snow, rain or ice for the drive home.
March also is a busy month with various observances: Ides of March, St. Patrick’s Day, first day of spring and this year Palm Sunday, Good Friday and Easter.
Many schools also will observe spring break and folks will head to various beaches or at least warmer weather for the week. Just a heads up, the ocean water has been cooler this winter than normal.
A reminder for any Marion County “snowbirds” in Florida ? the Marion County winter reunion is noon Thursday at Der Dutchman in Sarasota. Previously held in Bradenton, the location was moved as the previous restaurant permanently closed.
Many middle school and high school show choirs in the Marion area have been faring well at competitions around the state. Congratulations to all students, directors and staff for their accomplishments. It takes a lot of practice, patience by the directors and support from parents to have successful performances.
Congratulations, also, to all area middle and high school athletes. Once again, it takes dedication by all entities to be successful. A winning season does not always measure the success of athletes. Determination, personal growth and confidence are just as important as having the highest scoring average and so on.
I understand there is a lot of respiratory illness going around the Marion area with a lingering cough. The same here in Florida where I am wintering. If you have a cough, please be considerate of those around you and cover your mouth.
The pollen here is very high this time of year. My car is speckled yellow every morning, necessitating a car wash every couple of days. Thankfully, experience has taught me to be sure to pack my Rx allergy medications every year.
Let me leave you with this quotation I had never heard before and ran across by an unknown author: “A windy March is lucky. Every pint of March dust brings a peck of September corn and a pound of October cotton.”
Until next week, be safe and be kind.
Brenda Donegan is a former Marion Star staffer. She may be reached at [email protected].
This article originally appeared on Marion Star: March is filled with celebrations and wild weather