Jenna Bush Hager Shares the Exact Time of Year Her Family Always Picks Out Their Christmas Tree
Every year as the holidays approach, it's common to begin thinking about Christmas traditions—the ones that are already staples in your family and the ideas you'd like to try for the first time. For Jenna Bush Hager, there's a certain tradition her family follows year after year and it has to do with the exact weekend they go to pick out their Christmas tree.
Parade spoke to Bush Hager about what she considers the best time to buy a Christmas tree, why it's a special weekend for her and her loved ones, why she doesn't think the holidays have to be stressful, as well as a few other traditions that are near and dear to her heart during this season. After all, "If it's something that's gonna like make the season feel magical, then I'm all in," she says.
Related: How Early Should You Put Up Your Christmas Tree? Let's Talk Timing
When To Pick Up a Christmas Tree
"Halloween is over, let's get the Christmas tree out," Bush Hager jokes to Parade. But in all seriousness, there's actually a specific time when her family always chooses their tree. "We get our tree the day before Thanksgiving, or sometime on that weekend," she says, adding: "My mother-in-law and that [part of the] family usually comes to visit and they won't be with us over Christmas until after Christmas, so we decorate the tree with her."
So, there's that sentimental reason for her family to spend that time decorating the tree while they are all together, but there's also a practical reason she considers this particular timing to be the best.
"Also, it's usually on sale that weekend, which is a wonderful thing," she explains.
Plus, she's off from work that weekend, so "it's not like I come home from work and I've been up since 4 [a.m.] and I'm exhausted, so it gives me the space to enjoy putting up the tree, and we get to enjoy it for a long time."
That cozy, carefree vibe is important to Bush Hager when celebrating. "I try to just enjoy it," she explains. "I don't think holidays have to be stressful. I think if we reframe it to be like, 'This is such a joyful, fun time of year,' then it is joyful and fun. You know, I think if you look at things as stressful, they're going to be stressful. And if you look at things as joyful, they're going to be joyful."
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Other Fun Holiday Traditions
"One thing we do that's sort of unique is we have Mexican food on Christmas Eve, which is something that a lot of Texans do," Bush Hager tells Parade, explaining that her family enjoys tamales, nachos, beans and enchiladas. "So it's not that unique, but my husband, who is from Virginia, was shocked by it."
Another tradition in Bush Hager's family is incredibly special to her. "My grandmother made us all stockings—she needle pointed," Bush Hager shares. "And in fact, she stockpiled stockings, so that even after she passed away, I received one in the mail for my son Hal. And so the stockings are definitely something we're obsessed with."
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Favorite Holiday-Related Book
And when it comes to favorite holiday-related reads, Bush Hager has a clear winner. "The one that sort of resonates the most is Little Women—part of it is set during Christmas or several Christmases," she explains. "It's about so much more, but that Christmas scene where their dad isn't coming home—all of that, I just love. It was also one of my favorite books as a child."
And now, as a parent, she's enjoying it in a different way. "The Night Before Christmas and stuff is fun, but Little Women is such a good one to read to older kids around the holidays," she shares.
With reporting by Alexandra Hurtado