What is an IPA? Explaining the beer and its sub-categories imperial, hazy and session.
Corrections & clarifications: An earlier version of this story incorrectly identified Stone Brewing company.
In 2021, enough beer was shipped by the U.S. beer industry to fill more than 2.9 billion cases, according to the National Beer Wholesalers Association.
But not all beer is created equal. With ales, lagers and so many sub-categories within each, two types of beer can taste wildly different, which can make buying beer intimidating for the average consumer.
Walking through a liquor store in search of a new and interesting six-pack can be confusing because of the complex jargon common in the beer industry, but we have the information you need.
What is an IPA?
IPA, short for India Pale Ale, is a type of pale ale that emphasizes the flavors and aromas of hops, according to Stone Brewing.
The history of the term dates back to the British Empire and its colonies, but if you ask Stone Brewing, today’s IPA is a different beast. Today, American IPAs are around 6-7% ABV (Alcohol by Volume), and while there are many types, Stone Brewing says they are most easily recognized by their hoppy flavor.
What are hops?
According to Sierra Nevada Brewing Co., hops are green, cone-shaped flowers that come from a plant called Humulus lupulus. Pods and glands in the flower create the bitterness, aroma and flavor of an IPA.
What is an imperial IPA?
An imperial IPA, also known as a double IPA, tends to be at least 8% ABV, according to Stone Brewing.
This beer is darker and more bitter than a traditional IPA, according to Craft Beer Club.
When an imperial IPA reaches 10% or higher, it may also be called a “triple,” according to Stone Brewing.
What is a hazy IPA?
Hazy IPAs are a bit of a wildcard and can be in any ABV range. This type of IPA is distinguished by its unfiltered, less bitter taste, according to Stone Brewing.
What is a session IPA?
Stone Brewing says session IPAs are usually 4-5% ABV. They’re known as “session” IPAs because you can have more than one in a session with friends, due to their relatively low ABV, according to Stone Brewing.
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This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: What is an IPA? Imperial, hazy, session beer explained.