How to Identify and Get Rid of Yellow Jackets

Get these pests to buzz off for good.

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If you hear a buzzing around your garden or patio, you might automatically assume harmless bees have come to visit. However, it’s important to take another look at your winged, black-and-yellow visitor, since not all bees and wasps are friendly.

Yellow jackets are one species of wasps that are particularly aggressive and likely to sting—sometimes multiple times. A yellow jacket nest or infestation can be dangerous if someone accidentally disturbs the nest, and people allergic to yellow jacket venom can have severe reactions to stings.

Fortunately, there are multiple ways to safely get rid of yellow jackets around your home. Here’s what you need to know.

Meet the Expert

Shawn Gleason is a seasoned entomologist with a Ph.D. from the University of Florida and the founder of Bugs Encyclopedia.

How to Identify Yellow Jackets

You might confuse yellow jackets with bees and other wasps, but they have a few unique characteristics that can help you tell the difference between them. Yellow jackets are black with yellow stripes and have very narrow waists. They’re also hairless, about a half-inch long, and don’t have flattened hind legs to carry pollen like bees do.

Signs of a Yellow Jacket Infestation

If you see one or two insects around your home, you might not have a problem. But, if you notice any of the signs below, you likely have a yellow jacket nest nearby.

  • Follow the path yellow jackets take near your home to see if they lead you to a nest.

  • Listen for buzzing sounds. Active colonies contain hundreds of yellow jackets and you’ll hear the buzzing as you approach.

  • Search for holes in the ground. Yellow jackets tend to build nests partially underground, usually near wood piles or dense vegetation.


Always wear protective clothing when coming in close contact with yellow jackets to protect yourself from stings. Wear long sleeves, pants, gloves, and face protection.

How to Get Rid of Yellow Jackets

For the best results, combine all of these methods to get rid of yellow jackets near your home.

Use a Spray Treatment

Spray treatments are one of the more effective methods for killing yellow jackets and removing colonies from your home, especially nests that are visible and not partially underground. Follow these steps to use a spray treatment properly.

  • Pick an aerosol spray with a long-range sprayer to keep a safe distance as you spray the wasp colony. You may need to purchase more than one spray bottle to thoroughly saturate the nest.

  • Spray the nest entrances until soaked, and directly spray any yellow jackets that escape from the nest.

  • Move the sprayer in circles around the colony for even coverage.

  • Wait a day after the spray treatment and check if the nest has any activity.

  • Repeat this process as needed.

Gleason says follow-up is crucial when using a spray treatment. “It’s important to monitor the area for a few days to ensure that you’ve eradicated the entire colony," Gleason says. "Leftover foragers can rebuild a new colony if not properly managed."


Treat the yellow jacket nest at night or in the evening since most of the insects will be inside of the nest unsuspecting and sleeping.

Hang Traps

Install a wasp trap to catch yellow jackets flying around your home. Most traps will come with chemical bait to draw the insects in, but you can also use a small piece of meat or fruit. Refresh the baits as needed.

Install an Electric Zapper

Place this device near the yellow jacket colony or nest. An electric zapper creates a hum that yellow jackets perceive as a threat. The insects will leave the nest to attack the device and then be killed by the electric shock.

Natural Remedies to Get Rid of Yellow Jackets

Try Peppermint Oil

Yellow jackets, like many insects, are repelled by the smell of peppermint. Mix a few drops of peppermint oil and water in a spray bottle and spray around your home and the nest to keep the insects away.  

Use Soapy Water

Combine dish soap and water in a spray bottle and spray around your home and the yellow jacket nest. The soap in the water acts as an adhesive, gumming up the yellow jackets’ respiratory systems and causing them to drown in the water.

Try Dry Ice

Dry ice kills yellow jackets and is an effective method with a partially underground nest. Break up the dry ice into small pieces then dump the dry ice into the nest entrance. Quickly cover the hole with dirt or a bowl to prevent yellow jackets from escaping.

Cover the Nest

This method works well for ground nests. Place a bucket or bowl over the nest entrance and exit to prevent wasps from leaving. Wasps that are trapped inside will eventually starve.

How to Prevent Yellow Jackets

Keep yellow jackets from coming back by eliminating potential food sources and scents that they’re attracted to.

  • Keep outdoor trash cans clean and tightly closed.

  • Clean up any spilled drinks or food.

  • Store animal feed and pet food in airtight containers.

  • Avoid using floral beauty products.

  • Clean your outdoor space regularly with soapy water.

When to Call a Professional

If you’ve tried these methods and your yellow jacket problem persists, it’s time to call the professionals. You can also call pest control experts if you’re worried about stings or safety.

“For larger nests or if you're unsure of how to proceed, it's best to seek professional help,” Gleason says.

Pest control experts use a variety of spray treatments and other methods to address the pest issue so you can rest easy in your yellow jacket-free outdoor space.

Frequently Asked Questions

What keeps yellow jackets away?

Yellow jackets will stay away if there aren’t any food sources nearby and unpleasant smells. Keep your outdoor trash sealed in a trash can and avoid leaving food or sugary drinks out on your patio. You can also spray a peppermint oil and water mixture around your home since the smell repels yellow jackets.

What home remedy kills yellow jackets?

Dry ice and soapy water are natural home remedies that kill yellow jackets. Both work best when the nest is partially underground, but are effective even with a fully exposed nest.

What is the safest way to get rid of a yellow jacket nest?

Treat the nest with a spray treatment at night since the insects will be sleeping inside of the nest. Also make sure to wear proper clothing, such as gloves and long sleeves, to protect yourself against possible stings.

Read Next: Natural Methods: How to Keep Wasps Away From Your Home

Read the original article on The Spruce.