The Hot Veterinarian, Dr. Evan Antin, Shares 7 Pet Care Tips You Might Not Know About
The Hot Veterinarian, Dr. Evan Antin, Shares 7 Pet Care Tips You Might Not Know About
Many pet owners provide all the basic care their pets need, but many also forget or just don't know about the daily or weekly things they should be doing for their pets to really ensure they stay as health as possible.
Dr. Evan Antin, an Instagram-famous veterinarian with Conejo Valley Veterinary Hospital in Thousand Oaks, California, spoke with Woman's Day about regular pet care tips that people often overlook. Though not brushing your dog's teeth regularly might not seem like a big deal, it can actually have lasting repercussions on their health. And that "funny" thing they do where they drag their butt on the carpet? It's actually an indicator of a painful problem. Here are seven daily and weekly pet care tips from Dr. Antin that will make your pet love you even more than they already do.
They Need Regular Dental Care Way More Often Than You Think
Your pet's dental health is more important than you might think. "A lot of people don't think about brushing their dog's teeth," says Dr. Antin. "But it's the most effective way to prevent and slow down the progression of dental disease."
If your dog or cat won't tolerate you brushing their teech, Dr. Antin recommends giving them daily dental chews, such as DentaLife ActivFresh chews, which are available for both dogs and cats. The DentaLife chews will help reduce bacteria in the mouth which can lead to bad breath and dental disease.
If you can brush your pet's teeth (or train them to tolerate it), you want to brush gently, while making sure to properly scrub each tooth. Dr. Antin recommends against dental foams and rinses for pets because they don't actually scrub the teeth.
If you suspect that your dog is in pain or is having trouble chewing, Dr. Antin recommends consulting your vet.
Groom More (or Less) Depending on Their Lifestyle and Breed
There's no hard-and-fast rule for how often to groom your dog. "It depends on the individual pet and his lifestyle," says Dr. Antin, who describes his chihuahua, Henry, as a couch potato who only needs grooming every two or three weeks. "He likes to get out in the park, but he's not keen on long hikes," he says.
If your dog loves to roll in the dirt, swims regularly, or has long hair, you may need to bathe and groom them more frequently. Some dogs, like German shepherds, have double coats that require frequent combing, but only need a bath every 4-5 months to maintain its healthy oils.
If you have questions about how often to groom your dog, check in with a groomer or your vet.
You Might Have to Express Their Anal Glands
Dr. Antin says that though his Chihuahua Henry doesn't need frequent grooming, he does often need his anal glands expressed.
According to Preventive Vet, the anal glands, or anal sacs, are located between the muscles that make up the rectum. They're usually expressed naturally when a dog poops, but sometimes they get impacted or even infected. Dogs with impacted anal glands often drag their butts along the ground in an effort to express the glands and relieve the painful pressure that's built up from the impaction. Dogs who suffer from certain conditions, such as chronic skin infections, skin mites, food hypersensitivities, being overweight or obese, and hypothyroidism, are more likely to have impacted anal glands, Preventive Vet notes.
You can express your dog's anal glands yourself, but Dr. Antin notes that it's also something groomers and veterinarians do, so you can turn to them as well.
Check and Clean Their Ears When Necessary
Most dogs with small, short, or cropped ears don't need frequent ear cleanings. But "breeds like basset hounds, Labradors, golden retrievers, cocker spaniels and others that have big, floppy ears are prone to infections," says Dr Antin. That's because the shape of their ears trap moisture and warmth which creates an ideal environment for bacteria and infection.
If your dog loves to splash around in a lake or pool, regardless of his ear shape or size, you'll want to clean his ears more frequently and be on the lookout for signs he might have an infection. To keep your dog's ears healthy, here's the best way to clean your dog's ears.
Make Sure Your Pet is Eating Quality Food
When it comes to pet food, Dr. Antin says there's no need to buy anything fancy. "Just get your pets on a good quality commercial food," he says. His pets eat Purina food, but he says that all of the major brands have "created formulas that are proven to offer a complete and balanced nutrition."
He says he often sees people who give their dog homemade meals like chicken and rice that may be missing key vitamins and minerals. "Make sure if you're making meals for your pet at home that you keep it well rounded," Dr. Antin says. "You should have some green vegetables that offer the complete nutrition they need."
If you're feeding your pets a quality commercial food, there's no need to give them extra vitamins or supplements, unless they have a sensitive GI tract or orthopedic issues. But even in those cases, Dr. Antin says you should consult with your vet first before you turn to supplements. That way they can make sure whatever your pet is dealing with isn't a serious problem.
Trim Their Nails Regularly
This might be one of the more obvious pet care tips, but it's one that many pet owners forget. Most dogs need their nails trimmed every one to two months, but some more often depending on how frequently they are outside and exercising, where their nails would be naturally worn down.
According to the ASPCA, a good rule of thumb is to trim your dog's nails when they almost touch the ground while they walk. If their nails are clicking on the floor while they walk, then it's definitely time for a trim.
Dr. Antin recommends trimming some pet's nails as often as every one to two weeks. "I trim my cats' nails pretty often just because I don't like them scratching on my furniture," he says. "And they don't need to have long, sharp claws and nails because they're in captivity and they live indoors." He recommends against allowing cats outdoors, "for their safety and the safety of other wildlife."
If you can't get your pets to cooperate, use positive reinforcement. "Give them a reward for tolerating or doing a desirable behavior," Dr. Antin says. With his dog Henry, that means keeping a plate of treats nearby, or giving him a small dab of peanut butter. Over time, they'll become more and more comfortable with nail trimming.
If you trim your pet's nails yourself, just be sure to do it carefully (here's a how to), and make sure you don't cut them too short, otherwise you risk cutting into the quick, or the nerves and blood vessels that run down the nail. If you're afraid that you could cut the quick accidentally, have a professional groomer or vet cut your pet's nails.
Spend Time With Them Every Day
Most pets need physical activity on a daily basis. Some dog breeds require a lot of exercise, while others will be OK with a daily walk outside. Regardless, pets need to spend quality time with us.
"Daily enrichment's really important," Dr. Antin says. "Just spend some time with your pet. If it's a dog, take them for a little walk, or get them outside. If it's a cat, play with some of their toys."
Give your pet daily face time, and they'll give you all of their love in return.
#1. They need waaaay more teeth care than you think.