Horseradish meets apricot and other flavors in one man's version of chrain for Passover
Chrain, the traditional grated-horseradish condiment served at Passover seders, usually comes one of two ways: plain or beet. But if it's chrain made by Mark Shapiro, the possibilities are almost endless.
This year, he's making apricot chrain. In the past, the president and CEO of the Harry and Rose Samson Family Jewish Community Center has made it with dried figs, dates, mango, pineapple or manuka honey from New Zealand.
Any dried fruit could be a candidate, although prune remains a final frontier for Shapiro. One year's experiment with citrus won't be replicated; the combo just didn't work, he said.
At Passover — which this year begins at sunset April 15, commemorating the Hebrews' exodus from slavery in Egypt — horseradish is an essential part of the seder. It fills the role of the symbolic bitter herb that's eaten at dinner.
"It’s the bitterness of slavery and the sweetness of freedom" that Jews are called on to remember, Shapiro said.
Shapiro first started helping make chrain as a child, under the supervision of his grandfather, his Papa Ben, an immigrant from Russia.
The chrain would be made fresh, on the day it was eaten. Shapiro and his brother would chop the horseradish root in a wooden bowl by hand, using a half-moon chopper on the well-ventilated back porch of their grandfather's apartment, in Chicago's West Rogers Park neighborhood.
The pungency of the horseradish, which can make onions seem mild mannered, would make their eyes water. Their grandfather — his cigar adding to the olfactory aura — would laugh. "He would tell us, 'Keep chopping, keep chopping, keep chopping,' " Shapiro recalled.
As much as it was about preparing a key element for that night's feast, it also was about one generation passing a tradition to a younger generation. "This was about the truest sense of holiday,” Shapiro said.
He started making chrain again as an adult, when he had children of his own and considered what traditions he would pass to them. Making chrain fresh would be one, although with a twist or two.
Although he has his late grandfather's chopper, Shapiro now uses a food processor. "At some moment, we have to embrace technology. We’re in the Cuisinart world now," he said.
Shapiro freely admits he was a novice that first year as he made chrain in the processor, forgetting just how pungent horseradish can be.
"I pulled out the plunger and took a deep sniff," he said — a seemingly innocent act but actually fraught with peril. Shapiro, overcome by the fumes' assault on his sinuses, fell backward, hit his head on stove and suffered a cut.
That was the last time he tried sniffing the horseradish. Shapiro also would don his young daughter's swim goggles to protect his eyes — child-sized pink goggles. "I’ve now upgraded to the onion goggles" that are sold in kitchen stores, he said.
He began experimenting with flavors about 10 years ago, trying different dried fruits. Sometimes sweeter than fresh, they also play a role at seders.
"It’s finding that balance between sweet and hot. And it’s just become this really wonderful tradition," Shapiro said. He'd give tubs of chrain to staff at the JCC in Whitefish Bay. And earlier in the pandemic, when the JCC was closed entirely, the staff would stop by to pick up the containers of chrain at his house.
"It was a wonderful way to stay connected," Shapiro said.
Although the holiday is a time to embrace tradition, it also allows for contemporary and timely touches.
This year, Shapiro said, some families are adding olives to the seder plate that holds symbolic foods, expressing hope for peace in war-torn Ukraine.
Contact Carol at [email protected] or (414) 224-2841, or through the Journal Sentinel Food & Home page on Facebook. Follow her on Twitter at @mkediner or Instagram at @mke_diner.
The chrain should rest for a day or longer in the refrigerator; Mark Shapiro — who this year led a virtual class on making chrain, through the Samson Family Jewish Community Center in Whitefish Bay — usually makes his a couple of days before the Passover seder. It's typically served with gefilte fish or beef brisket, or eaten on matzo. The recipe easily can be doubled or tripled.
Mark Shapiro's chrain with beets or apricot
Makes about 2 cups
1 cup peeled and grated horseradish root, from one root
? medium raw beet, peeled and quartered, or ? cup dried apricots
? cup white vinegar
2 teaspoons sugar
? cup to 1 cup of water (see note)
Kosher salt to taste
After the horseradish has been grated and emptied into a bowl from the food processor, chop the raw beet or apricots until fine by pulsing in the processor with the chopping blade. (The chrain will blend more completely if the horseradish is already grated.)
Tip the grated horseradish into the food processor and pulse to combine, then add the vinegar, sugar and salt, and pulse. Last, pulse in the water a little at a time until the chrain reaches the desired consistency — use more water for a more sauce-like condiment, less for chrain that's more like a paste. Adjust salt and sugar to taste.
Note: Use cool water for milder chrain. "The hotter the water, the hotter the horseradish," as it tends to activate the heat in the root, said Shapiro, who noted that the intensity of horseradish can vary naturally from root to root.
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This article originally appeared on Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Horseradish meets apricot in his version of chrain, served at Passover
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