Horoscope: What’s in Store for You January 9 – January 15, 2023?

Now that 2023 is in full swing, it's time to see what lies ahead for the week. Luckily, horoscopes are helpful for predicting life events (big or small) that will occur in the future. This helps you make intentional decisions so you'll have a productive and prosperous year. Here’s what’s happening for your zodiac sign this week, January 9, to January 15, 2023.

CAPRICORN Dec. 22–Jan. 19

On the 8th, you’ll be fired up to get out of your comfort zone. Take an impromptu trip or try an innovative project. And from the 12th on, a surge of feel-good energy makes it easier to stick to your wellness routine.

Your lucky days: January 10, 11, 12


Your lucky numbers: 5, 6, 9

ARIES Mar. 21–Apr. 19

A surge of fun-loving, playful energy makes the 9th a perfect day to enjoy a get-together with friends. From the 13th on, learning and brainstorming with others is more effortless than ever. A win will be yours!

Your lucky days: January 8, 9, 10

Your lucky numbers: 3, 5, 11

CANCER June 21–July 22

Working on a project alongside a co-worker can lead to an exciting breakthrough on the 12th. And on the 13th, a burst of go-getter confidence motivates you to take advantage of a learning opportunity and hone your skills.

Your lucky days: January 10, 11, 13

Your lucky numbers: 2, 7, 16

LIBRA Sept. 23–Oct. 22

From the 12th on, you’ll be inspired to break free of your routine. Let your gut lead the way! Then, on the 13th, you’ll be compelled to stand up for a cause close to your heart. The experience proves truly empowering.


Your lucky days: January 12, 13, 14

Your lucky numbers: 9, 16, 18

AQUARIUS Jan. 20–Feb. 18

Make a point to connect with loved ones on the 9th: It will set the stage for sweet memories! On the 14th, you’ll be tempted to dig in your heels on a disagreement. Being openminded creates space for a resolution.

Your lucky days: January 12, 13, 14

Your lucky numbers: 4, 5, 18

TAURUS Apr. 20–May 20

On the 8th, you’ll have the ability to think innovatively. Take a leap of faith to make a long-held dream a reality. Come the 10th, get the ball rolling on moneymaking endeavors that have been on hold. You won’t regret it!

Your lucky days: January 11, 12, 13

Your lucky numbers: 2, 9, 10

LEO July 23–Aug. 22

On the 8th, you may surprise yourself by volunteering for a leadership position. Stepping into the spotlight earns you applause. On the 11th, you’ll finally gain traction on a slowgoing effort. Your work is paying off!


Your lucky days: January 8, 9, 13

Your lucky numbers: 1, 10, 11

SCORPIO Oct. 23–Nov. 21

On the 10th, have a heart-toheart with a loved one. It’s easier to get on the same page than you may think. And from the 14th on, you can gain traction on a stalled joint moneymaking endeavor. Go for it!

Your lucky days: January 10, 11, 12

Your lucky numbers: 4, 8, 11

PISCES Feb. 19–Mar. 20

On the 11th, advance an idea by joining forces with co-workers. You’ll soar! And though it’s been tough being on the same page as loved ones lately, from the 12th on, getting in sync is easy. Prioritize bonding time now.

Your lucky days: January 12, 13, 14

Your lucky numbers: 4, 11, 12

GEMINI May 21–June 20

On the 9th, learning something new with a loved one brings you bliss! And if you’ve been feeling a bit sluggish lately, trust that a surge of energy will come naturally from the 14th on. You can make progress on your goals.


Your lucky days: January 8, 9, 12

Your lucky numbers: 3, 6, 9

VIRGO Aug. 23–Sept. 22

Go to bat for a goal you’ve been dreaming of on the 9th. You can easily put your game plan into action now. On the 13th, you’ll earn recognition for putting your nose to the grindstone on a big project. Enjoy the fruits of your labor!

Your lucky days: January 10, 11, 12

Your lucky numbers: 5, 6, 10

SAGITTARIUS Nov. 22–Dec. 21

Come the 9th, conversations with friends could inspire healthy new habits, like a restorative yoga class or treadmill routine. On the 12th, pair up with a dear friend or loved one to reach a shared goal. You’ll be unstoppable.

Your lucky days: January 8, 9, 10

Your lucky numbers: 6, 7, 9

Happy Birthday! Year-ahead forecast for those born this week.

Capricorn, get ready for a fulfilling year! From mid-March on, artistic Venus will move through your self-expression zone, boosting your creativity and desire to pour your emotions into an imaginative endeavor. Collaborating with loved ones can prove productive and heartwarming. In early April, while social Venus is in your wellness zone, you can pair up with a friend or loved one on a more regular basis while caring for your mind, body, and spirit. Evening walks or meditating together brings you closer and strengthens your vitality! And from early to late May, relationship-oriented Venus in your partnership zone makes it easier to hit your goals when you pair up with one of your nearest and dearest.

A version of this article originally appeared in our print magazine, Woman's World.