Yes, Spices Can Help You Lose Weight—Start With These 15 Options
Let’s face it: The way you prepare and season your food is just as important as the food itself. For example, deep-frying your chicken in canola oil is much worse than baking or grilling it. Or, let’s say you air-pop your popcorn but then put a ton of butter and salt on it — this is not helpful when it comes to weight loss.
So, what seasonings can help you lose weight? As it turns out, herbs can curb cravings and support your weight loss efforts. And while herbs may not be a cure-all (diet, exercise and lifestyle are contributing factors), they can certainly help you on your weight loss journey. Here's everything you need to know about how herbs can help with weight loss. As a nice bonus, they'll also make your food taste better!
Benefits of Herbs For Weight Loss
Herbs support digestion
Herbs aid in the body’s metabolism process.
“Herbs help your body to digest the food you've consumed, converting macronutrients like protein into micro-nutrients like amino acids,” says Haylie Pomroy, a top Hollywood nutritionist and founder of the Haylie Pomroy Group. “Micro-nutrients are what make the metabolism work.”
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Herbs promote hormonal health
Hormones play a major role in terms of weight management.
“Herbs have a lot of phytonutrients in them, which have an enzyme effect—enzymes help you break down food too, but also help hormones reach hormone receptor sites in the body (e.g. insulin, testosterone, estrogen, etc.),” Pomroy explains. “Herbs can really help these get metabolized more effectively.”
Herbs reduce inflammation
The phytonutrients also reduce inflammation and have a targeted effect on the outer fibrous layer of fat cells, Pomroy says.
Best herbs for weight loss
1. Turmeric
As an anti-inflammatory herb, turmeric can help eliminate excess body fat. “When your body is in an inflamed state, it promotes insulin resistance, which can keep stubborn fat on the body,” Pomroy explains. “Turmeric increases blood flow, and as we know, fat cells have very poor blood flow. It takes nutrients to break down the fat cells, and turmeric helps the nutrients get to them through this increased flow.”
Tumeric contains a natural chemical known as curcumin. Some studies, like one on mice from 2018, indicated that turmeric could help decrease body fat.
2. Rutin
This herb is excellent when it comes to absorbing nutrients.
“Rutin is a bioflavinoid that is anti-inflammatory, and this specifically reduces GI inflammation so individuals with food allergies or poor gut health can benefit. Plus, when it comes to weight loss, it's not what you eat - it's what you absorb - and rutin helps the body absorb micronutrients better than almost any herbal in my opinion,” Pomroy states. A 2022 study of mice found that rutin could be considered a prebiotic and assist with obesity-associated metabolic uneasiness in obese people.
3. Quercetin
As a natural appetite suppressant, quercetin makes weight loss easier.
“It suppresses appetite not because it tricks the brain, but because it flattens the fat cells,” says Pomroy. “When fat cells are buoyant, they secrete a hormone that makes you crave sugar. When they're flat, they don't secrete that hormone. With weight loss specifically, the quicker you can shrink fat cells, the better.”
A 2021 animal study indicated this herb could help reduce obesity-related inflammation.
4. Lemon bioflavonoids
These come from the pith or white part of grapefruit, orange, or lemon. They help to shift the Ph in the body - when you're acidic, you gain weight, but when your Ph is stable, it's much easier to lose weight, Pomroy explains.
5. Arugula
A common addition to a salad or burger topping, arugula is a powerful and nutritious herb. “It helps the body produce a digestive enzyme that helps with carb metabolism,” Pomroy states. “This is particularly great for people who have a hard time losing weight when they eat carbs.”
6. Ginger
While ginger is known for alleviating inflammation and pain, it also plays a role in weight loss, especially among women, due to its potential metabolism-boosting effects, Lisa Richards, nutritionist and author of the Candida Diet, explains.
One 2019 meta-analysis showed that ginger could significantly affect body fat and weight.
7. Cinnamon
A tasty seasoning in many different foods and drinks, cinnamon is also good for heart health and fat burning. “It contains antioxidants that regulate triglycerides and thereby reduces the chance of a heart attack,” says Lauren Grey, clinical dietician and wellness contributor. “Cinnamon has numerous health benefits, and it should be added to meals and drinks regularly. Ideally, you should put it in your food to speed up fat burning.”
A 2022 study found that cinnamon supplementation could significantly lower BMI and body weight.
8. Capsaicin
An ingredient found in hot peppers, capsaicin has metabolism-boosting effects.
“It has been shown to boost metabolism through the process of thermogenesis, which essentially heats up your metabolism so you burn more calories,” Heather Hanks, MS, CAM, Medical Solutions BCN – Nutritionist and Medical Advisor, explains.
A 2023 review suggested capsaicin could have a modest effect on weight.
9. Camellia sinensis
“Otherwise known as green tea, this is one of the most effective weight loss agents we have available to us,” Hanks states. “It has been shown to reduce inflammation, boost metabolism and burn belly fat.”
10. Panax ginseng
A healthy gut microbiome can help you shed those extra pounds.
One study found that Panax ginseng provided anti-obesity properties due to its ability to change the composition of the gut microbiota, Hanks says. A more recent review published in 2021 in Pharmacological Research - Modern Chinese Medicine reported a growing body of research suggesting that ginseng could help with obesity, but most of the clinical trials the authors reviewed didn't see weight-loss benefits in obese participants.
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11. Mint
As a natural energy booster, mint can support your weight loss efforts. “Mint improves alertness, boosts overall mood and reduces the feeling of fatigue,” Dr. Siamak Tabib, MD, an assistant clinical professor of medicine at UCLA.
Gastroenterology and Hepatology and cofounder of MDbio, explains. “An effective natural painkiller and muscle relaxant, mint has invigorating and antispasmodic properties. Peppermint oil can be used to relieve tension headaches. Some even say it is an effective appetite suppressant!”
12. Ashwagandha
Research shows this medicinal herb can reduce cortisol levels (the stress hormone)—and high levels of stress are directly linked to weight gain. “Native to India and North Africa, it is believed to work as an ‘adaptogen,’ helping the body maintain a healthy balance,” Dr. Tabib explains.
13. Valerian root
The word “valerian” comes from the Latin saying “to be strong” or “to be healthy.” Valerian extract promotes sleepiness and can bring about sedation by increasing the brain’s level of GABA, a neurotransmitter in the central nervous system, says Dr. Tabib.
14. Black seed oil
Well-known for its healing benefits, black seed oil is commonly used in traditional medicine.
“Many components of black seed oil have been identified and isolated, including components that may promote liver health, treat infection, aid digestion and provide other important health benefits,” Dr. Tabib states.
15. Hemp
Hemp oil/CBD oil activates the human endocannabinoid system. It has been studied for its ability to relieve pain, nausea and inflammation (many of which are root causes of unwanted weight gain), Dr. Tabib explains. Current research suggests CBD may have many other benefits, including anxiety and depression, sleep disorders, migraine, cluster and other headaches, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), cancer, allergies, asthma, epilepsy and other seizure disorders and more.
Up Next: Sick of Overspending on Herbs? Here's Everything You Need to Know About How to Start An Herb Garden
Haylie Pomroy, a top Hollywood nutritionist and founder of the Haylie Pomroy Group
Lisa Richards, nutritionist and author of the Candida Diet
Lauren Grey, clinical dietician and wellness contributor
Heather Hanks, MS CAM, Medical Solutions BCN – Nutritionist and Medical Advisor
Journal of Ginseng Research: “Influence of Panax ginseng on obesity and gut microbiota in obese middle-aged Korean women”
Dr. Siamak Tabib, an Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine at UCLA Gastroenterology and Hepatology and cofounder of MDbio
Curcumin and piperine supplementation of obese mice under caloric restriction modulates body fat and interleukin-1β. Nutrition and Metabolism.
Intestinal Flora Mediates Antiobesity Effect of Rutin in High-Fat-Diet Mice. Molecular Nutrition & Food Research.
Quercetin alleviates high-fat diet-induced inflammation in brown adipose tissue. Journal of Functional Foods.
The effects of ginger intake on weight loss and metabolic profiles among overweight and obese subjects: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition.
Cinnamon, an effective anti-obesity agent: Evidence from an umbrella meta-analysis. The Journal of Food Biochemistry.
The effects of capsaicin intake on weight loss among overweight and obese subjects: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. British Journal of Nutrition.
The efficacy of Panax ginseng in obesity and the related metabolic disorders. Pharmacological Research - Modern Chinese Medicine