Hello, Your Weekly Horoscope Is Here With Fireworks
Overview: When you choose a partner, you choose a story, as Esther Perel says. Tuesday’s Venus-Saturn opposition wants us to see “commitment” as choosing our relationship stories. Friday’s New Moon in Cancer wants your intentions on home/family and belonging. Then Mercury enters Cancer on Sunday and helps us communicate our emotions carefully!
Read your Sun/Rising horoscope below:
Which friends celebrate you, Aries? Tuesday’s Venus-Saturn opposition want you to see who supports your self-esteem...and who doesn't. Friday’s New Moon in Cancer wants your intentions on all the people and places that feel like home, sweet home. Mercury enters your Cancer-ruled emotional IQ sector on Sunday, and you’ll be talking your feels beautifully!
Not every emotion demands an action, Taurus. Tuesday’s Venus-Saturn opposition wants to maximize the space between what you feel and how you choose to respond. A New Moon in your Cancer-ruled communication zone on Friday wants your intentions on listening and speaking for success. Mercury enters Cancer on Sunday and grounds your communication in more empathy.
It’s both/and, Gemini! Tuesday’s Venus-Saturn opposition helps you hold the balance between parallel, sometimes competing truths that are *both* true. A New Moon in your Cancer-ruled income/security zone wants your intentions on personal/financial safety. Mercury enters Cancer on Sunday and helps you speak your values and put them into practice!
Happy birthday, Cancer! Tuesday’s Venus-Saturn opposition wants you to work through trust in the presence of the unknown, risk, and emotional exposure. Tell the universe your birthday wishes on Friday’s New Moon in Cancer so it can get to work on manifestation! Mercury enters your sign on Sunday, giving you clear thinking, listening, and communication.
Opposites attract, Leo! Tuesday’s Venus-Saturn opposition reminds you that relationships are spaces for contradiction. So behave accordingly! A New Moon in your Cancer-ruled completion zone on Friday wants your intentions on surrender, healing, and closure. Mercury enters Cancer on Sunday and helps liberate you from limiting habits, histories, and patterns.
Start small, Virgo! Tuesday’s Venus-Saturn opposition wants to inspire you to take small steps towards mental health and clarity. A New Moon in your Cancer-ruled friendship zone on Friday wants your intentions on how to deepens your social landscape. Mercury enters Cancer on Sunday and reconnects you with your friends for support!
Sometimes you have to stand alone, Libra! Tuesday’s Venus-Saturn opposition reminds you of the belonging paradox: You may have to disagree/differentiate to know your true friends. A New Moon in your Cancer-ruled career zone on Friday wants your intentions on best-case-scenario success! Mercury enters Cancer on Sunday and frames your emotions as instructive for career success, too.
What are you pretending not to know, Scorpio? Tuesday’s Venus-Saturn opposition wants more self-acceptance and applied intelligence to create professional success. A New Moon in your Cancer-ruled wisdom zone on Friday wants your intentions for education and travel. Mercury enters Cancer on Sunday and gives you a jolt of optimism, faith, and hope.
Zoom out, zoom in, Sag! Tuesday’s Venus-Saturn opposition helps you see the big and little picture as equally important. A New Moon in your Cancer-ruled intimacy zone on Friday wants your intentions on sexuality and commitments. Mercury enters Cancer on Sunday and helps you communicate your passionate sexual fantasies!
What values guide you to the unknown, Cap? Tuesday’s Venus-Saturn opposition asks you to put your values into practice in order to find security in ambiguity. A New Moon in your Cancer-ruled relational zone on Friday wants your intentions on giving and receiving romantic love! Mercury enters Cancer on Sunday and gives your trust and negotiation skills a boost.
Relationships are a paradox, Aquarius! Tuesday’s Venus-Saturn opposition helps you balance your desire for autonomy and freedom with connection and trust. A New Moon in your Cancer-ruled health zone on Friday wants your intentions on proactive strategies for wellbeing. Mercury enters Cancer on Sunday and inspires more mindfulness and calm.
Relationships are about the small things, Pisces. Tuesday’s Venus-Saturn opposition reminds you that relationships are built over cumulative little moments and choices, so review how you and others are doing. A New Moon in your Cancer ruled self-esteem zone wants your strategies for worthiness and confidence. Mercury enters Cancer on Sunday and you’ll be bravely self-disclosing!
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