Guys, the Night King Joined Cameo and Wants to Record Videos for You

Photo credit: HBO
Photo credit: HBO

From Cosmopolitan

  • Game of Thrones fans get pumped because Night King actor Vladimir Furdik joined

    Cameo and is available to make a video message for you, YES YOU!

  • FYI, Cameo is a company that works with celebs to record personalized messages for fans. No, it's not free. Yes, it's gonna cost you.

Does someone you know and love have a birthday coming up? COOL, give them the most precious gift there is on this earth: the gift of the Night King. Game of Thrones' very own Ice Bae has joined Cameo, which means he's currently available to record a video message for you and/or a loved one for the very modest sum of $100. Truly, it's the plot twist we don't deserve!

Kay, so the way Cameo works is you, a Game of Thrones nerd, forks over some of your hard-earned $$$, and actor Vladimir Furdik (who plays the Night King) records a message of your choosing. Think of all the possibilities! You could ask him to recreate that withering smile he gave Dany when she blasted him with fire. You could have him record a your own personal Game of Thrones fan theory for posterity! JK, he probably won't agree to do those things, and tragically he 100 percent doesn't do these videos in cos-play.

Photo credit: Cameo
Photo credit: Cameo

I don't know about you, but I, for one, will be buying Night King cameos for all my friends getting married this summer. You're welcome in advance, guys! No need to thank me!

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