Grieving Granddaughter Finds Comfort On Valentine's Day: "Angels made it possible!"
For the last 20 years Woman’s World magazine has featured the weekly “My Guardian Angel” column, where real women share first-person accounts of their amazing encounters with Angels. Now, we are sharing those heartwarming stories of loving comfort, Heaven-sent helpers and miraculous rescues online with the mission of continuing to spread hope and light.
Here, Woman’s World reader Jeannie Emser Schultz shares how the angels helped her wish her grandma one last Happy Valentine’s Day.
Jeannie Emser Schultz ’s Guardian Angel story told in her own words:
"Valentine’s Day became my favorite holiday at age 4, thanks to my grandma’s first baking lesson — tiny heart-shaped tarts filled with raspberry jam. It would become an annual Valentine tradition for Grandma and me, one I’d expand, ultimately treating 150 colleagues each Valentine’s Day to my all-day ‘Sweets Buffet’ featuring hundreds of cookies, pies, cakes and Grandma’s original heart-shaped, jam-filled tarts.
Getty/Lise Gagne
"December 26 through February 13 became my marathon baking period when I would whip up all manner of desserts to freeze in preparation for the 'Sweets Buffet.' Although I now lived hours from Grandma, I think she was secretly pleased each time I called to share new dessert recipes I’d be trying for that year, but always as an addition to her special jam-filled hearts.
"One Valentine’s morning, as I dressed for work, the phone rang. It was my mom. I expected her first words to be 'Happy Valentine’s Day!' But no. 'Honey,' she began 'I hate to ruin your favorite holiday, but the nursing home called, and Grandma passed away this morning.'
“'Oh no, Mom,' I replied, 'You’re going to feel so sad when you get your mail today because I sent Grandma’s Valentine to your address for you to take to her!'
“'Actually, it arrived yesterday,' she said. 'We visited Grandma last night. She loved your card and said to wish you a Happy Valentine’s Day and enjoy her jam hearts.'
“I continued, 'then both you and Auntie received your Valentines too?'
“'No,' she replied. 'Maybe they’ll arrive today.' I suddenly got goose bumps. 'But Mom,' I said incredulously, 'I mailed all three Valentines the very same time from the very same mailbox…but only Grandma’s arrived early!'
"My mom concluded, 'I think we owe thanks to a special post office guardian angel who must have expedited Grandma’s final Valentine!'
My Guardian Angel expert weighs in…
“Love never ends, it just changes forms. This has been a message I have received from the spirit world for decades, and reading Jeannie’s story reminded me of the truth of those words,” says Sunny Dawn Johnson, a global authority on the angelic realm, with a portfolio of 22 books, including popular titles such as Invoking the Archangels, The Love Never Ends, and 365 Days of Angel Prayers. “The love that Jeannie and her grandmother shared literally transcended time and allowed her grandmother to receive her last and final Valentine. This was certainly a gift from Jeannie’s guardian angel to rush this one specific card through the postal system. I just love it. The beauty of this story is that the love they shared will continue to live on.” Read more of Sunny’s insightful stories here.
Do you have an Angel story to share?
Send your story, along with a clear photo of yourself and your name, address and phone number to: By submitting your story, you are granting Woman’s World magazine permission to use it and your photo in the print magazine, on our website and/or in future special issue publications. Submissions may be edited for style.
A version of this article originally appeared in our print magazine, Woman’s World.
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