Great Dane's Reaction to Meeting Dad's Girlfriend Is Simply the Best
These two became fast friends!
We always say you can tell a lot about a potential partner by how they treat children, the elderly and service people. Going on a date and someone claims, "Oh I never ever tip!" when the bill arrives? That's a definite red flag. The same can be said for how a date or partner treats your pet, because if you adore your dog or cat and your partner does not, welp, it may be time to download those dating apps again. TikTok user @AmandaEvans_xoxo recently met her boyfriend's dog without knowing what breed he had and posted the following video showing their introduction.
Watch her reaction to meeting this gorgeous Great Dane! We think Amanda here is a total keeper!
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This is just so sweet! We agree with @Kell8675 who posts, "I think he approves of you!!!! Looks like you are his new bestie!!!" @user7676127257468 monica adds, "The way you reacted to the dog! I hope your boyfriend knows you’re a keeper." LOL! We love how we are all so invested in the boyfriend appreciating what a kind girlfriend he has! @Alimarr hilariously adds, "I think your girlfriend likes your dog more!"
Sure. we'd be over the moon to hang out with a beautiful dog like this, but watching these two new besties together shows that Amanda not only has a good boyfriend, but his dog is pretty wonderful too!
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