GH's Parry Shen Talks Brad's Feelings For Lucas and Discovering Portia's Secret
Walt Disney Television/Todd Wawrychuk
Brad (Parry Shen) is back in Port Charles on General Hospital, and his personal and professional lives are (almost) as complicated as ever. He's still carrying a torch for his ex-husband, Lucas (Van Hansis), who isn't interested. Meanwhile, at the hospital lab, Brad has discovered that Portia (Brook Kerr) tampered with Heather's (Alley Mills) blood test results. Shen talked about all of the drama in Brad's life with Soap Opera Digest.
Does Brad have a shot at winning Lucas' heart again? Cooper mused:
I think gaining Lucas’s trust back is his first priority and hope. And maybe a far away, hopeful reach would be getting him back.
At work, Brad has uncovered the truth about Portia. Asked what Brad has got to gain by keeping the doctor's secret instead of exposing it, Cooper stated:
Even though Brad is trying to change, sometimes old habits just slide on very easily like a good, worn pair of sweatpants. He thinks he knows the best way to navigate this — via quid pro quo — and overcome the obstacle — Dr. Robinson — to him being a permanent fixture working at the hospital. After all, it’s how he and Britt [Kelly Thiebaud] used to do it!! Also, I feel there may be an understanding on his part. Brad of all people knows what it’s like to do questionable things to protect the ones he loves. So I don’t think he wants to see Portia get in trouble, buuut…. if he can somehow also benefit from this information, he sees that as a win-win.
Is Brad worried that such misdeeds could backfire? Shen said:
He’s not thinking that far ahead — a nagging trait that has always been his Achilles’ heel and largely the source that has gotten him into trouble time and time again.