Getting Ready: York Ready for Climate Action to host Sustainable Tour
Local residents can see energy-efficient technologies at work in their very own neighborhoods!
York Ready for Climate Action (YRCA) will host a Sustainable York Tour for residents on Saturday, September 14, 2024. There are 11 homes on the tour, each featuring various energy-efficient, climate-friendly technologies. The tour can be self-guided (maps available online or at York Public Library), or participants can join us for a ride aboard the Williams Realty Partners trolley.
Each participating home will be marked with a lawn sign, and the tour map will show all Tour locations and the types of technologies to be showcased at each home. Homeowners will also have flyers and educational materials to distribute.
Guests will be able to ask questions about the cost, rebates and performance of equipment like heat pumps, weather-sealing, electric cars, heat pump hot water heaters and solar panels.
The Williams Realty Partners Trolley will take off from York Public Library (15 Long Sands Road York, ME 03909) at 10 a.m. and 12 p.m., stopping at the Art in the Park event at Moulton Park, and then onto 4 of the participating homes for a tour of 1.5-2 hours. The last home on the trolley tour will offer refreshments.
Guests are also free to take their own vehicles. The tour map is on the YRCA website.
YRCA would like to thank Williams Realty Partners of York for donating the use of their trolley, Kennebunk Savings, the York Art Association, York Public Library, and all of the people who have agreed to share their beautiful homes for this tour.
About York Ready for Climate Action
York Ready for Climate Action is a grassroots citizen’s organization dedicated to increasing awareness of the causes and effects of climate change and advancing environmentally friendly and inclusive policies and behaviors. YRCA was formed in May of 2018 by a group of York citizens, frustrated by the lack of progress on climate, under the name York Ready for 100%. York Eco Homes and Waste Reduction and Diversion (WRAD) became part of the effort. In 2022, under the name York Ready for Climate Action, we became a 501(c)3 nonprofit.
Marina Mails is the executive director of York Ready for Climate Action.
This article originally appeared on Portsmouth Herald: Getting Ready: York Ready for Climate Action to host Sustainable Tour