Can Garlic or Garlic Oil Help With Ear Infections?
Benefits, Risks, and Tips on How to Use Garlic Oil
Medically reviewed by John Carew, MD
Garlic and garlic oil are common home remedies for earaches and ear infections. Garlic has antibacterial properties that some consider a safe and effective natural alternative to medicinal ear drops.
Compounds in garlic have been shown to inhibit different bacteria responsible for ear infections. However, this research is limited to laboratory tests and has not been studied in human trials. Additionally, putting garlic or garlic oil in your ear can cause painful skin reactions and should be used cautiously.
This article explains the pros and cons of using garlic or garlic oil for an ear infection or earache. It discusses the potential health benefits of garlic and the possible side effects and risks. It also provides step-by-step instructions for making and storing garlic oil.
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Health Benefits of Garlic
Research has shown that garlic offers many health benefits. Although the mechanism is not widely known, studies have shown that consuming garlic or garlic oil extract has antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, and antiprotozoal properties:
Antiviral: Garlic has shown to be helpful in the fight against various strains of flu viruses and other viruses such as cytomegalovirus and rhinovirus.
Antibacterial: Garlic may be effective against many types of bacteria, including salmonella, E. coli, and staph infection. It’s thought that garlic can be beneficial to gut bacteria as well.
Antifungal: Fungi that have been shown to be sensitive to garlic include Candida, Aspergillus, and Cryptococcus. Garlic extract is thought to reduce the growth of fungus and damage its membranes.
Antiprotozoal: Studies have shown that garlic can effectively treat protozoa, small organisms that can cause illness. The compounds allicin, ajoene, and organosulfides in garlic are thought to contribute to its antiprotozoal properties.
Note that although garlic contains these properties, it doesn’t mean that it can fight off infection without any other medical intervention.
Benefits for Conditions
Garlic has also been shown to play a positive role in many bodily systems and prevention of diseases:
Immune system: Garlic supplements have been shown to boost the immune system and reduce the frequency and severity of common illnesses such as the common cold. It does this by improving immune cell function.
Cardiovascular system: Research has shown that garlic may be able to improve the health of the cardiovascular system by lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
Brain health: Recent research has found that garlic may be effective for managing and preventing Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. It’s thought that the antioxidants in aged garlic extract can help reduce cognitive impairment.
Oxidative stress: Free radical buildup in the body can lead to oxidative stress, a damaging effect that occurs when there is an imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants in the body. Studies have shown that garlic supplementation may help resolve that imbalance. Although more research is needed, the studies that have been done so far showed promising results.
Cancer prevention: Garlic may help reduce the risk of developing certain cancers.
Liver protection: The liver is tasked with detoxifying the body. If substances build up to dangerous levels, it can lead to toxicity. Studies have shown that garlic may help prevent that.
Types of Ear Infections
Ear infections can be caused by bacteria, viruses, fungus, a buildup of earwax, or water in the ears. Using garlic to help treat an ear infection will depend on the cause and part of the ear that’s affected.
Inner ear infections affect the deepest part of the ear.
Middle ear infections occur behind the eardrum.
Outer ear infections affect the eardrum to the outside of the ear.
Although garlic may have some efficacy against bacterial and fungal ear infections, it is not as effective as prescription medications such as fluconazole (an antifungal) and ciprofloxacin (an antibiotic).
Home Remedies for Ear Infections
Some ear infections will go away on their own. You can use home remedies to relieve the discomfort of the symptoms. Natural ways to do that include:
A cold or warm compress
Over-the-counter (OTC) ear drops
Popping your ears
Related: Using Essential Oils for an Ear Infection
Garlic for Ear Infection or Earache
Garlic oil drops are thought to help earaches and ear infections because the derivatives that possess antibacterial properties are broken down and concentrated. Some studies have found that garlic oil can be as effective as oral antibiotics such as amoxicillin.
However, garlic oil cannot cross the barrier of the middle ear to treat a bacterial infection, and the only likely benefit is pain relief. However, a middle ear infection usually gets better on its own without treatment.
To use garlic oil to treat an earache or ear infection, you can purchase it online or make a solution at home. You will need one garlic clove, olive oil, a pan, a strainer, a glass jar with a lid, a dropper, and a piece of cotton.
You can make your own garlic oil in a few easy steps:
Peel and crush up the garlic.
Warm the oil and garlic slowly on low heat until the garlic and oil are fragrant.
Remove it from heat so that the mixture can cool down.
Strain the garlic from the oil while pouring it into a jar.
Once the oil is ready, you can use it as you would any other type of eardrop. It is worth noting that this method is not to be used in place of medications. It should only be used as a supplemental treatment.
It’s also thought that eating raw garlic can help reduce ear pain because of its compounds, although there is limited evidence to support this claim.
Treatment for earaches and ear infections varies by cause and severity of the condition. Earaches and mild ear infections may clear up on their own, while recurrent ear infections will require prescription medications.
Watchful Waiting
Ear aches and mild ear infections are treated with a wait-and-see approach. American Academy of Family Physicians advises waiting two to three days for the immune system to clear the infection.
The following home remedies and OTC medications can help relieve symptoms while you wait:
Acetaminophen for pain and fever
Extra fluids
Ibuprofen for pain and fever
OTC pain relief ear drops
Warm cloth or water bottle to the affected ear
Prescription Medications
Doctors are cautious about prescribing antibiotics for ear infections to avoid overprescribing. If symptoms are not improving after two or three days, your healthcare provider may prescribe medications:
Antibiotics are effective in treating bacterial infections but will not help an ear infection due to a viral or fungal infection. Your healthcare provider may prescribe oral antibiotics or antibiotic ear drops if they suspect a bacterial infection.
Combination antibiotics and corticosteroid ear drops may be prescribed for outer ear infections. Corticosteroids are used to treat inflammation and relieve pain.
Antifungal medication may be prescribed for a fungal ear infection. These may be given as oral medicine or ear drops.
Related: Ear Infection Treatment to Get Rid of Symptoms
Garlic Side Effects and Risks
Using garlic to treat an ear infection or earache comes with certain risks.
When used topically, garlic oil can cause allergic contact dermatitis. This is a condition where contact with certain allergens (allergy-causing substances) can cause a local skin reaction, manifesting in symptoms like:
An itchy rash
Swelling, burning, or tender skin
Areas of darker skin (hyperpigmentation)
Bumps and blisters, sometimes with oozing and sores
Areas of dry, crusty skin
Symptoms can range from mild to severe and typically subside within a few hours to a few days. Before using garlic oil in your ear, test it on a patch of skin to see if you get a reaction.
If taken by mouth, garlic capsules have been known to cause:
"Garlic breath"
Body odor
Upset stomach
Flatulence (gas)
Consuming garlic can also cause an allergy in some people, leading to a widespread skin reaction and asthma-like symptoms. However, severe allergic reactions like anaphylaxis are rare and are more commonly associated with raw garlic.
Talk to your healthcare provider before trying garlic oil for an earache. This is especially true if you have a history of allergies.
Risk of Botulism
Despite its antimicrobial properties, bacteria like Clostridium botulinum can thrive in garlic oil. C. botulinum (botulism) attacks the body’s nerves and can cause breathing difficulty, muscle paralysis, and even death in severe cases.
To prevent botulism, make garlic oil fresh and store it in your refrigerator at 40 F or under for no longer than seven days.
Eating a little garlic rarely causes any problem, but eating a lot or taking garlic supplements can potentially cause a drug interaction.
This is because the body uses an enzyme called cytochrome P3A4 (CYP3A4) to break down (metabolize) garlic into smaller "bioactive" units. Many other drugs also rely on CYP3A4 for metabolization, creating competition for the available enzyme.
When this happens, the concentration of one drug may go up, increasing the risk of side effects, while the concentration of the other drug may go down, making the drug less effective.
Advise your healthcare provider if you take any of the following drugs before starting garlic supplements:
Who Shouldn’t Use It
Those who have a ruptured eardrum should not use garlic oil as a remedy for their earache. The hole in the eardrum can allow garlic oil to get through and cause issues in the middle ear.
Related: What Are Preauricular Pits?
Some research has shown garlic to be an effective remedy for earache and ear infections. However, it can potentially cause dermatitis and irritation to your ear. Before trying this at home, talk to your doctor to make sure it’s safe for you to use and the right treatment for your condition.
Read the original article on Verywell Health.