Former 'Bachelor' contestant says daughter is 'stable' following surgery

Michelle Money says she’s “filled with hope” just two days after her daughter, Brielle, suffered a skateboarding injury so severe, it left the teen on life support and drove her to ask her fans and followers for prayers.

Money — who appeared on season 15 of “The Bachelor,” season two of “Bachelor Pad” and season one of “Bachelor in Paradise” — offered an uplifting update Wednesday.

“It has been a pretty good day,” she wrote.

Those are remarkable words from Money, who on Monday revealed that her 15-year-old had a fractured skull and experienced "serious brain trauma" from the accident. Later that same day, Brielle underwent a surgery at Primary Children's Hospital, in Salt Lake City, to remove fluid from her brain, and in an earlier update, Money noted that she knew all the prayers were “heard and felt and received, because Brielle is in stable condition.”

“Brielle is right on track with what the doctors expected," she wrote in Wednesday's post.

“As I sit here next to Brielle tonight I am filled with hope and love and support,” the 39-year-old continued. “I know all of your prayers have made the difference. Thank you so much. Every. Single. One of you.”

Money’s message was filled with mentions of thanks to everyone who’s been a part of the experience — the hospital heroes who’ve helped her and her family, her boyfriend, Mike Weir, and her ex-husband and co-parent, Ryan Money.

As for the latter, she added a special note of gratitude. Due to the risks caused by the coronavirus outbreak, only one parent is allowed in the hospital’s pediatric intensive care unit per day. Although they took turns visiting Brielle on Monday and Tuesday, they’ve since decided that it’s in everyone’s best interest if only she visits during this time.

“After the latest updates on the coronavirus, Ryan and I have decided that we need to err on the side of caution,” Money explained. “Every time we leave the hospital we run the risk of becoming infected and bringing it into the PICU. The worst thing that could happen is for us to start feeling sick and not be able to be here when Brielle wakes up. Not worth risking. So I am going to stay at the hospital until she does. Most likely on Saturday or Sunday. Send prayers to Ryan because I know this is going to be so difficult to not see her, but it’s the right move.”

While Money focused her attention on communicating her thankfulness in her most recent posts, on Monday, she had another message to share — a few words of advice to other parents, so that they can avoid what she and her family is going through now.