These Expert-Approved Eye Masks Can Help You Look Less Tired
These Expert-Approved Eye Masks Can Help You Look Less Tired
IT DOESN'T matter who you are or what you do, chances are you're not getting enough sleep. Multiple studies suggest that healthy adults should sleep 7 hours or more per night, which can be difficult for most people to achieve consistently, especially if you have kids or travel regularly for work. Contrary to popular belief, you can't "make up" those hours by sleeping in over the weekend.
If you're one of the one in three adults not getting enough sleep, it doesn't matter how much coffee you try to drink, you can't hide it. It's written all over your face—specifically your under eyes. Tired, swollen eyes with dark eyebags are the telltale sign that someone hasn't slept, or hasn't slept well. Some people naturally have more prominent eye bags just due to their facial structure. Air travel can also accentuate eye bags as a result of overall dehydration. As you age, your skin loses elasticity, which can have a sagging effect all over the face, but especially around the eye area where the skin is naturally more thin.
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There are a lot of factors that can contribute to tired-looking eyes, but for most people, the condition is temporary and can be alleviated (or a the very least reduced) with the help of a hydrating under eye mask. These cooling gel masks come in pairs and are curved to deliver nourishing ingredients directly where they're most needed: under and around your eyes. They hold moisture close to skin for a set amount of time, usually 5-30 minutes, and when you take them off, your eyes are instantly more plump and your crow's feet, fine lines and wrinkles are significantly diminished.
The best eye masks for men contain anti-aging ingredients like caffeine, peptides, and hyaluronic acid. Retinol is another great ingredient, especially for mature skin, because it boots collagen production to help minimize fine lines and wrinkles.
If sleep is a real issue for you, it's worth picking up a few eye masks to counteract the visual effects of poor sleep. Below, these eye masks can help make it look like you got a full eight hours—even if you barely squeaked out five.
Hide a bad night's sleep in 30 minutes or less with the best eye masks for men. These cooling gel eye masks can make it look like you got a full eight hours.