This Is Exactly How You Can Recreate Jessie James Decker's Rainbow Closet

Photo credit: The Home Edit
Photo credit: The Home Edit

From House Beautiful

Jessie James Decker recently debuted her picture-perfect closet on Instagram, showing off her floor-to-ceiling shelving filled with a rainbow wall of shoes. I'm pretty sure that if you listened closely enough, you could actually hear people taking screenshots of the picture with hopes of recreating it one day. And if you were one of those people, that day is today.

Jessie's color-coordinated project was organized by Joanna Teplin and Clea Shearer of The Home Edit, and it turns out styling your closet by color isn't as intimidating as one might think. You don't even need a massive selection of Louboutin heels or a walk-in space to do it. Here, The Home Edit shares five rules you should follow when creating your own rainbow closet, no matter what size room (or shelf) you might be working with.

1. Don't stress over organizing your colors in the order of a rainbow.

"Depending on the patterns, saturation of colors, and varieties of color, your decision on where to place a specific shirt or shoe may vary," Joanna and Clea wrote via email. They say to approach this organization technique like an art, not a science. "Sometimes pinks will look better after your red section, but in other situations they'll feel better placed after your purples," they explain. Figure out what colors you have to work with, and go from there.

2. Clear shoeboxes will make everything look better.

The Home Edit swears by using clear shoeboxes to organize shoes and boots you otherwise wouldn't want to display. "This shoebox uniformity will make even the most practical shoes contribute to a stylish closet," they say. Even better, a 12-pack of clear shoeboxes goes for $26 on Amazon.

Photo credit: The Home Edit
Photo credit: The Home Edit

3. Uniform hangers are the most important thing when organizing a closet space.

In the case of closets, size certainly does not matter. The Home Edit says any closet, big or small, can be beautiful and functional. "The easiest way to elevate your space is to have all uniform hangers. Matching hangers do wonders for a closet," they say.

4. If you're working with drawers, file-fold.

The Home Edit ladies are big fans of Marie Kondo's file-fold method for tees and gym clothes. "With this method, in just one glance, you can see each item in the drawer. This system eliminates lifting and disrupting an entire folded stack of shirts to see what exists on the bottom," they say.

5. Organizing by color will actually make this annoying thing easier.

Sure, you want a rainbow closet because it's effing beautiful, but color-coordinating serves a greater purpose. First, if you wake up and are like, "I want to wear pink today!" you can easily grab a pink shirt. But really, organizing by color will make the tedious things, like putting your clothes away, much easier. It's also great to quickly evaluate what you might have too much of, the Home Edit says.

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