How Are We Ever Going to Choose Between 'The Voice' Finalists This Year?!

It seems like just yesterday we were gearing up for another round of Blind Auditions. Blake Shelton, Kelly Clarkson, John Legend, and Adam Levine’s replacement Gwen Stefani were ready to discover their next champion, and hopeful singers lined up to get a chance to show them what they’ve got.
A few short months later and we’re about to enter the finale—and we finally know who the last remaining artists are. The Voice finalists for 2019 are Katie Kadan, Ricky Duran, Rose Short, and Jake Hoot. Based on fans’ predictions, it’s anyone’s game.
This is also the first time in seven seasons that all four coaches have a contestant in the finale. You may remember that last spring neither Adam nor Kelly had an artist make it to the end, and some thought Gwen might have the same problem this fall. But Rose was granted the Instant Save, so phew!
Get to know a bit more about The Voice season 17’s Top 4 before you cast your vote:
Katie Kadan: Team John Legend
Katie, 38, has been a frontrunner since day one, and it’s obvious why. The Chicago native’s unique bluesy vocals and messages of body positivity leave everyone feeling seriously inspired. Her coach John even let it slip that she’s basically his favorite!
Jake Hoot: Team Kelly Clarkson
You may think Jake was a shoe-in for country coach extraordinaire Blake, but he ended up on Kelly’s team and is just as well for it. Kelly’s expert skills have landed the 31-year-old with a serious chance of winning the prize.
Rose Short: Team Gwen Stefani
Gwen couldn’t stop crying over Rose’s latest performance, so we think that her talent speaks for itself. Before the competition, the 34-year-old was a corrections officer at a male maximum-security prison, so you know she can handle a little competition!
Ricky Duran: Team Blake Shelton
Perhaps an unlikely pair, Blake and Ricky have been making waves for weeks with his soulful sound. Ricky, 29, currently lives in Austin, Texas, which is probably why he hit it off with our favorite famous Oklahoman. He’s seen some tragedy throughout his life—he’s lost both his parents—but Ricky isn’t going to let that stop him from pursuing his dreams.
Good luck to all the singers!
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