An Easy, Fidget-Proof Guide To Cleaning Your Dog's Ears
An Easy, Fidget-Proof Guide To Cleaning Your Dog's Ears
You won’t have to pry your dog from under the bed or bribe them with a homemade treat the next time you want to clean their ears.
The first thing to know about cleaning your dog’s ears is that, according to Dogster, most breeds don’t really need to have them cleaned every week. The exception to that rule are dogs with floppy ears like Cocker Spaniels or Basset Hounds. These breeds are more prone to developing ear infections than others, because moisture can easily get trapped under their ears. And if you’re not really sure about how often you should be cleaning them, ask your veterinarian the next time you go for a check-up.
Another thing to note: if you notice Fluffy's ears are inflamed, have discharge, or are sensitive to the touch, you should take them to the vet as soon as possible. These types of symptoms could mean your dog has an infection or, even worse, a ruptured ear drum.
If you’re up for the challenge, read on to find out how to clean your dog’s floppy ears.
You can save some cash by doing it at home instead of the groomer.