When is Easter in 2024? Here's why the holiday moves dates
Look out your window and he's sitting right there on the branch closest to your window – the harbinger of spring – a robin chirping you awake every morning.
Soon, flowers will start blooming, temperatures will get warmer. And, Peter Cottontail will hop down the bunny trail as Easter is on its way – and it's earlier than normal this year.
Why do we celebrate Easter?
Easter is a Christian holiday celebrated to commemorate the resurrection of Jesus Christ at the end of Holy Week. After his crucifixion, death and burial on Good Friday, Jesus rose from the grave three days later, according to Christianity.com. By this, He conquered death and redeemed us from sin. As a result, most Christians will go to Church services and pray in observance.
When is Easter 2024?
Easter, based on the Gregorian calendar is Sunday, March 31. However, if you are part of the Eastern Orthodox church, then you're following the Julian calendar and Easter is Sunday, May 5.
Why isn't Easter on a set day?
According to Farmer's Almanac, Easter is a movable feast. With the Gregorian calendar, Easter is celebrated between March 21 and April 25. In the Eastern Orthodox Church, the holiday can be celebrated between April 4 and May 8. The date is set on the first Sunday following the first full moon after the spring equinox.
Why is Easter a movable holiday?
The holiday's date is dependent on the lunar cycles of the Jewish calendar. The Last Supper, Jesus' last meal with his followers which occurred the Thursday before Easter, was a Passover feast. Since the lunar month is 29.5 days, both Passover and Easter are movable feasts.
What is the earliest possible day for Easter?
According to EarthSky, the earliest day for Easter is also the least likely day for it. Since March 21 is the spring equinox, the earliest date for Easter is March 22. The last time Easter fell on March 22 was in 1818. The next time it will occur is in the year 2285.
The latest possible day for Easter is April 25, which will next occur in 2038. After that, it won't happen again until 2190.
What does the Easter Bunny have to do with Easter?
According to history.com, The Bible makes no mention of Easter bunnies. Rabbits are an ancient symbol of fertility and new life and are known as prolific procreators. The exact origins of the Easter Bunny are unknown.
What is known is that the Easter Bunny first arrived in the United States in the 1700s. German immigrants who settled in Pennsylvania brought the tradition of the egg-laying bunny named “Osterhase” or “Oschter Haws.” Children would build nests and the creature would lay colored eggs in them. The custom spread throughout the country and the nests were switched to baskets and the famous bunny brought chocolate, candy, gifts and eggs.
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Are Easter eggs religious?
While Easter Eggs are probably linked to pagan traditions, according to history.com, for Christians they represent Jesus leaving the tomb and the resurrection. Decorating Easter eggs dates to at least the 13th century. One explanation for the custom is eggs were a forbidden food during Lent. People would paint and decorate them to mark the end of the period of penance and fasting. They would be eaten on Easter as a celebration.
This article originally appeared on Delaware News Journal: When is Easter? Here's the background to the Christian holiday