Dragon’s Dogma 2: How To Unlock the Trickster Vocation


There are many different ways to win a fight, and none take a stranger path to victory than the Trickster. Rather than fighting directly, the Trickster conjured specters and phantoms to distract enemies and fight on their behalf, even having the ability to possess foes and turn them against their allies.

It’s a difficult class to master, but it comes with powerful rewards, like the ability to detect nearby Seeker’s Tokens and Wakestone Shards. We’ll explain how to unlock this mysterious class for yourself.

Trickster location in Dragon’s Dogma 2

Trickster location in Battahl, at the center of this map.<p>Capcom, GLHF</p>
Trickster location in Battahl, at the center of this map.

Capcom, GLHF

To unlock the Trickster vocation, you must head into the southern nation of Battahl. There, off the main road heading south, you can find the Reverent Shrine, which contains a phantom oracle that you can talk to. If you can’t find it on your own, don’t worry - you have to go there as part of the main quest anyway, as the quest Flickering Shadows will give you a marker for its location.

The Trickster vocation costs 200 Dcp to acquire.<p>Capcom, GLHF</p>
The Trickster vocation costs 200 Dcp to acquire.

Capcom, GLHF

That’s not all that’s at this location though, as if you go around the left-hand side, you’ll find a ladder leading to the roof, and on that roof, you’ll find the true Trickster, rather than her phantom that you talk to below. She’ll give you the Maister’s Teaching as a reward for finding her, an ability that lets you scare foes with a phantom dragon.