Dog Uses the Toilet Just Like a Human in Video That's Hard to Believe
We'd love to hire this dog's trainer.
Some dogs' talents are so amazing that they're nearly unbelievable, including this Belgian Malinois' ability to use the toilet. We know what you're thinking-- "all dogs know how to go to the bathroom," but can your pup truly use the toilet? This dog can!
When you see this impressive skill, you'll know exactly why @____b_s____'s video is so popular on Twitter. This dog's bathroom manners are better than most people's!
OMG, this pup! Not only can he time (and aim!) his potty breaks so that he's actually using the toilet--but he can flush, too! His paw-rents seriously need to spill the secrets so we can teach our dogs this talent, too. Of course, not all dogs will take to this training as easily as this boy.
"Not surprised it’s a Shepard," wrote commenter @infsmnorth. "I had one and it was smarter than some of the humans I’ve met." We aren't surprised! Breeds like the German Shepherd and Belgian Malinois are incredibly smart and athletic. Going to the bathroom in the toilet is just the beginning of their skills!
@ChattyKathyGB said, "another Belgian Malinois showing that it is brilliant and knows PROPER toilet etiquette better than some." You said it! This gorgeous boy is more polite than he knows!
@TheTable__agreed, asking, "Did he pee on the seat at all? It looks like he got nothing but net. I'm impressed by that more than the flush." Right? This talent is highly, highly underrated.
Do you have a pet who's funny, smart, full of personality, or just downright adorable? We'd love for you to submit a video of your fur baby for a chance to be featured on PetHelpful and our social channels! Click here to upload your clip and share your beloved pet with the world. For more interesting pet news, be sure to sign up for our newsletter!