Dog Has a 'Secret' Girlfriend at Day Care and the Footage Is Too Cute
Isn't it romantic?
Ahhh, young love, what could be better? The young love between two adorable dogs at a daycare who are keeping their relationship secret from their owners, that's what! Sasha and Otto are two beautiful pups who can't keep their paws off each other in footage posted by TikTok user @Hundkillen.
Watch the following sweethearts and get ready to have your heart melt!
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TikTok users are absolutely scandalized by this secret affair with @Sally O'Malley posting, "I feel like I’m invading their privacy watching this." @Buff echoes that sentiment with, "I feel like I shouldn't be watching this." @Sheronne hilariously adds, "I'm gonna wait at the bottom of the page....peek up to see when they're done...."
@Xerxescontracting posts what we all need to know with, "Let us know when the wedding is. Guess they already have their wedding attire on." LOL! We will be eagerly checking our mail for the embossed invitation!
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