Your Destined Husband, Wife, or Partner, Based on Your Rising Sign
Maria Orlova, Unsplash
In astrology, your Rising sign is a window into your personality, life path, and individual self. It's also involved in manifesting your love life. How? Your Rising sign helps astrologers determine your Descendant, which is always the opposite of your Rising sign. Opposites attract. Knowing your Descendant helps astrologers understand the attraction and chemistry between you and your long-term partner.
Understanding your Descendant is the key to unlocking your long-term partner's personality. This intuitive knowledge empowers you to navigate your relationships with insight and understanding. Let's dive deep into your future husband, wife, partner, or lover, their character, and your relationship dynamic, all based on your Rising sign below.
What is the Descendant in Astrology?
The Descendant lies directly opposite to the Ascendant, or Rising sign. It begins your seventh house cusp of relationships, denoting marriage, commitments, dating, and long-term partnerships. When you know your Descendant, you can see what's written in the stars regarding your love life.
Therefore, if you know your Rising sign, you can quickly figure out your Descendant - it is simply the opposite, or "sister," sign of your Rising.
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How to Find Your Rising Sign
If you're new to astrology, you'll need to figure out your Rising sign first and foremost to learn more about your partnership potential. You can use a free online calculator, such as, to solve the mystery. FYI, you will need your date, year, exact time, and birth location for accurate results.
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Your Destined Husband, Wife, or Partner, Based on Your Rising Sign or Ascendant
Aries Rising
Aries Risings have a Libra Descendant. While these Rams are independent, bold, confident, and assertive, they tend to attract the opposite in their partners. A lover who can stand the test of time must balance and chill them out rather than feed their intense flames.
Their partner is likely more agreeable, diplomatic, socially conscious, and prioritizes harmony. Aries Risings' true love will teach them moderation, patience, and more subtle approaches. Meanwhile, Aries Risings will encourage their partner to be their most authentic self, set boundaries, and go after their true desires.
Taurus Rising
Taurus Risings have a Scorpio Descendant. While these Venusian-ruled individuals are practical, responsible, and level-headed, they attract more emotionally-driven partners. A lover who can stand the test of time must promote being in touch with their emotions rather than getting caught up in how stable they looks to others.
Their partner is likely more intuitive and passionate, prioritizing instinctual decision-making. Taurus Rising's true love will teach them to take off their mask, transform, have genuine intimacy, and fulfill their soulful, innermost needs. Meanwhile, Taurus Risings will support their partner's desires with realistic, sound advice, allowing them to build and live out their desires.
Gemini Rising
Gemini Risings have a Sagittarius Descendant. While these Air sign individuals are dualistic, open-minded, and cerebral, they attract partners with solid convictions and passionate philosophies. A lover who can stand the test of time matches them in intellectual stimulation and curiosity yet teaches them how to act on their thoughts. Rather than just pondering, their lover wants to experience life firsthand.
Their partner will likely be more blunt and principled and see matters through a moral right-from-wrong lens. Gemini Rising's true love will help them filter out ideas, taking control of their hyperactive mind. Meanwhile, Gemini Rising will help their partner consider nuances and understand that black-or-white thinking isn't always necessary.
Cancer Rising
Cancer Risings have a Capricorn Descendant. While these Crabs are family or community-oriented and emotionally driven, their partners are usually more practical. A lover who can stand the test of time grounds them rather than making them get lost in emotional tsunamis.
Their partner will likely be driven, worldly-conscious, and seek security. Cancer Rising's true love will help them build material and internal sturdy footing, creating a reliable foundation despite their ever-changing moods and sensitivities. Meanwhile, Cancer Risings will help their partner develop emotional intelligence, understanding the material world and its merits mean little to nothing without remaining true to one's destiny and intuition.
Leo Rising
Leo Risings have an Aquarius Descendant. While these Lions are loud, proud, and creative, their lovers are usually more reserved and work behind the scenes. A lover who can stand the test of time familiarizes them with finding validation within themselves.
Their partner will likely be innovative, intellectual, and responsible. Leo Rising's true love will help them observe before they react, giving them a bird's-eye view of the world. Meanwhile, Leo Risings will help their partner dare to stand out and take up the space they deserve, broadcasting their talents and skills.
Virgo Rising
Virgo Risings have a Pisces Descendant. While these Earth signs are meticulous, motivated, and on task, their lovers are usually more fluid. A lover who can stand the test of time helps Virgo Risings get out of their minds and into their hearts, promoting emotional awareness and healing.
Their partner will likely be compassionate, intuitive, creative, and spiritual. Virgo Rising's true love will help them lean back, relax, trust the process, and be less self-critical. Meanwhile, Virgo Risings will help their partner build structure, routine, and skills to embody their dreams and visions into reality effectively.
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Libra Rising
Libra Risings have an Aries Descendant. While these Air signs are diplomatic, charming, and relationship-oriented, their lovers are usually more individualistic. A lover who can stand the test of time helps Libra Rising reach for self-preservation, honoring their need for autonomy.
Their partner will likely be motivated, fiery, passionate, and initiative. Libra Rising's true love will empower them, encouraging them to tame their people-pleasing instincts to let their authentic self shine through. Meanwhile, Libra Risings will help their partner slow down, considering how they can strategically, rather than impulsively, navigate their goals, aims, and interpersonal matters.
Scorpio Rising
Scorpio Risings have a Taurus Descendant. While these Scorpions are devoted, soulful, and mysterious, their lovers are usually more practical. A lover who can stand the test of time helps them remain grounded and in emotional control.
Their partner will likely be self-sufficient, resourced, and driven by the material, objective world. Scorpio Rising's true love will remind them to lean back more often rather than get lost in intense impulsivity out of misdirected passion. Meanwhile, Scorpio Risings will help their partner release worldly distractions, diving deep into their innermost, instinctual soul's needs.
Sagittarius Rising
Sagittarius Risings have a Gemini Descendant. While these Fire signs are passionate, determined, and adventurous, their lovers are usually more go-with-the-flow. A lover who can stand the test of time gets them to open their mind, rather than being rigid about their thoughts, beliefs, or morals.
Their partner will likely be interested, curious, and intellectually stimulating. Sagittarius Rising's true love will remind them that there are always multiple perspectives present in any circumstance at any given time, and all have some validity. Meanwhile, Sagittarius Risings will help their partner overcome indecision and make a stand for what is right for them.
Capricorn Rising
Capricorn Risings have a Cancer Descendant. While these Earth signs are practical, responsible, and serious, their lovers are usually more emotionally driven. A lover who can stand the test of time reconnects them to their inner child and innermost emotions.
Their partner will likely be sensitive, relationship-oriented, intuitive, and compassionate. Capricorn Rising's true love will remind them to validate their emotions and heal through past hardships rather than sweeping them under the rug. Meanwhile, Capricorn Risings will help their partner make grounded, wise decisions and shifts for their long-term betterment.
Aquarius Rising
Aquarius Risings have a Leo Descendant. While these Air signs are reserved, innovative, and to themselves, their lovers are usually more passionate. A lover who can stand the test of time gets them out of their shell, broadcasting their talents, skills, and authentic self to the world.
Their partner is likely bold, driven, confident, and creative. Aquarius Rising's true love will help them reconnect to their subjective, heartfelt self instead of being hyper-detached or objective. Meanwhile, Aquarius Rising will help their partner pause before reacting, knowing that some matters are better left unaddressed.
Pisces Rising
Pisces Risings have a Virgo Descendant. While these Water signs are intuitive, creative, and spiritually connected, their lovers are usually more cerebral. A lover who can stand the test of time gets them to confront reality, creating grounded routines, systems, and habits.
Their partner is likely intellectual, chatty, responsible, and on the go. Pisces Rising's true love will help them break down their visionary goals and aims into step-by-step plans. Meanwhile, Pisces Risings will help their partner get in touch with their emotions, knowing some circumstances are beyond logic or self-improvement.
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