100+ Holidays and Observances You Can Celebrate in December
December Calendar and Christmas trees to celebrate the season.
December is a month that can be summarized easily into one word: Christmas. With all of the parties, preparation and countdown, for many of us, the month is pretty much dedicated to all of the events surrounding this specific holiday. However, there are other holidays and observances in December that are fun to know about as well.
For instance, did you know that there is a National Cookie Day? This may not seem out of the ordinary with all of the baking and cookie exchanges that go on in December! If you prefer brownies, there is a day for that too!
Besides special food days, other December holidays include remembrances or certain recognitions. It's nice to have days to recognize important things like the International Day of Persons with Disabilities and the International Day for the Abolition of Slavery, which also fall in December. During this final month of the year, we also recognize Rosa Parks, Jane Addams and Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day.
A lot of the observances in December conveniently coincide with activities that we like to do during the month that are related to Christmas. There is Christmas Lights Day, Build Joy Day and Make A Gift Day, as well as days to celebrate peppermint bark, pears and gingerbread houses. For those who like to Christmas shop after the chaos of Black Friday, the 14th would be a good day to do some online shopping, since that day is National Free Shipping Day!
There are also some observances that last an entire week or the whole month. Hanukkah is a week-long observance, as well as Kwanzaa. If you like to play games, the whole month of December is Bingo month. Finally, the month of December goes out with a bang with fun New Year's Eve parties as we begin to celebrate a fresh new year.
Don't worry about trying to keep track of all of the December holidays and observances for 2023. We've put together some lists by month, week and day so that you won't miss a thing!
Related: What Is the Real Meaning Behind the Feast of the Seven Fishes? All About the Christmas Eve Tradition 'The Bear' Made Even More Famous
Why Do We Have Special Observances Each Month?
Observing special days or weeks each month is a way to raise awareness of issues that are important, inspire learning or are just plain fun. The idea started as a way to remember historical events and significant people and has grown to include all kinds of topics.
It's important to reflect on our history and not forget the issues that were addressed and the things we have learned. What we have gone through in the past has shaped our future.
A lot of the awareness days inform us of a variety of illnesses or issues that affect society. It is a way of spreading news and becoming informed and maybe passing the information on to someone else as well.
Many of the special food days throughout each month started as promotions for restaurants or other retailers to gain more sales. So, on National Cookie Day, for example, you could expect to see special deals on cookies!
Related: Funny Christmas Cards to Buy
Monthly Observances for December
Art and Architecture Month
Bingo Month
Egg Nog Month
Gift of Sight Month
Learn a Foreign Language Month
Made in America Month
Month of Giving
National Cat Lovers’ Month
National Human Rights Month
National Pear Month
National Tie Month
Operation Santa Paws (Dec. 1-24)
Read a New Book Month
Safe Toys and Gifts Month
Universal Human Rights Month
Worldwide Food Service Safety Month
Write a Friend Month
List of Weekly Observances in December
National Cookie Cutter Week (December 1-7)
Crohn's and Colitis Awareness Week (December 1-7)
Hanukkah (December 7-15)
Computer Science Education Week (December 6-12)
Las Posadas (December 16-24)
National Influenza Vaccination Week (December 6-12)
National Handwashing Awareness Week (December 5-11)
Twelve Days of Christmas (December 25-January 5)
Kwanzaa (December 26-January 1)
Related: Keep the Christmas Spirit Alive with Charity, Goodwill, and 50 Happy Boxing Day Wishes
December's Daily List of Holidays and Observances
December 1
Antarctica Day
Day Without Art
National Bartender Day
National Christmas Lights Day
National Eat a Red Apple Day
National Pie Day
National Peppermint Bark Day
Rosa Parks Day
Eat a Red Apple Day
World Aids Day
December 2
National Mutt Day
National Play Outside Day
International Day for the Abolition of Slavery
National Fritters Day
Special Education Day
National Build Joy Day
December 3
World Pear Day
International Day of Persons With Disabilities
Make a Gift Day
National Green Bean Casserole Day
National Roof Over Your Head Day
December 4
Wildlife Conservation Day
International Day of Banks
National Cookie Day
National Sock Day
National Dice Day
International Cheetah Day
Santa's List Day
December 5
Day of the Ninja
Bathtub Party Day
National Repeal Day
International Volunteer Day
National Blue Jeans Day
World Soil Day
World Trick Shot Day
December 6
National Gazpacho Day
National Miners Day
National Microwave Oven Day
National Day Of Remembrance And Action On Violence Against Women
St. Nicholas Day
December 7
Hanukkah starts
Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day
National Letter Writing Day
National Slime Day
International Civil Aviation Day
National Cotton Candy Day
National Joy Day
December 8
National Brownie Day
National Blue Collar Day
National Salesperson Day
Pretend To Be a Time Traveler Day
December 9
National Llama Day
Christmas Card Day
International Day Of Commemoration And Dignity Of The Victims Of The Crime Of Genocide
National Pastry Day
World Techno Day
December 10
Dewey Decimal System Day
National Lager Day
Nobel Prize Day
Jane Addams Day
Human Rights Day
December 11
Green Monday
UNICEF Birthday
National App Day
National Noodle Ring Day
National Stretching Day
International Mountain Day
December 12
Gingerbread House Day
National Poinsettia Day
International Universal Health Coverage Day
National Ambrosia Day
December 13
National Day of the Horse
National Guard Birthday
National Violin Day
National Cocoa Day
National Cream Cheese Frosting Day
December 14
Monkey Day
National Free Shipping Day
Roast Chestnuts Day
December 15
National Cupcake Day
Bill of Rights Day
International Tea Day
National Wear Your Pearls Day
National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day
December 16
National Chocolate Covered Anything Day
National Underdog Day
National Wreaths Across America Day
Related: 50 Best Ugly Christmas Sweaters
December 17
Wright Brothers Day
Pan American Aviation Day
National Maple Syrup Day
December 18
Answer the Telephone Like Buddy the Elf Day
National Twin Day
International Migrants Day
World Arabic Language Day
December 19
National Emo Day
National Hard Candy Day
National Oatmeal Muffin Day
December 20
International Human Solidarity Day
Go Caroling Day
National Sangria Day
December 21
Anne Frank & Samantha Smith Day (Anne & Samantha Day for short)
Humbug Day
National Crossword Puzzle Day
National Short Girl Appreciation Day
National Flashlight Day
National French Fried Shrimp Day
National Homeless Persons’ Remembrance Day
National Re-Gifting Day
Look on the Bright Side Day
Winter Solstice
World Snowboard Day
December 22
National Short Person Day
National Cookie Exchange Day
National Date Nut Bread Day
Forefathers' Day
December 23
National Roots Day
National Pfeffernusse Day
December 24
Christmas Eve
National Eggnog Day
Last Minute Shoppers Day
December 25
National Pumpkin Pie Day
No "L" Day (get it... Noel... also known as A'phabet Day)
December 26
Boxing Day
National Candy Cane Day
Day of Goodwill
National Whiners Day
National Thank You Note Day
December 27
International Day of Epidemic Preparedness
National Fruitcake Day
Make Cut-Out Snowflakes Day
December 28
National Card Playing Day
National Short Film Day
Pledge of Allegiance Day
National Call-a-Friend Day
National Download Day
Holy Innocents Day
December 29
International Cello Day
Still Need To Do Day
No Interruptions Day
Tick Tock Day (not to be confused with the app, TikTok)
December 30
Falling Needles Family Fest Day
National Bacon Day
National Resolution Planning Day
December 31
New Year's Eve
National Champagne Day
Universal Hour of Peace (from 11:30 pm to 12:30 am on Jan. 1)
Make Up Your Mind Day
Next up, the best Christmas porch decorations!