Your Daily TeenScope for September 05, 2021
Let’s face it—most “teen” horoscopes are written by folks whose ages haven’t ended with “-teen” since 2002 and are subsequently pretty cringe. We can’t guarantee that our daily horo will never be cringe, but we can guarantee that it’ll at least be useful.
In a standoff with a friend, it's up to you to make the first move. Approach the situation gingerly. You don't know how much of the conflict is real, and how much is a perceived slight that's been blown out of proportion.
You have a keen understanding of the mechanics of your social group. The moment you spot something wrong -- a flash point likely to spark a fight between friends -- you steer the group to consensus and safety.
It's hard to read people who insist that nothing is wrong but act in the exact opposite manner. You'll run into some frustrating uncommunicative behavior in allies today -- or people you thought were friends.
The minute you wrap up a fantastic conversation with an adult or a friend, you'll turn around and get mired in an argument that has no possible resolution. Instead of letting this debate drain your energy, step away.
You have enthusiasm to spare, but you'll find it easier to motivate others by keeping quiet. It sounds paradoxical, but some of your friends may need to get something off their chests before agreeing to your elaborate plans.
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An activity with another group of friends may put you in contact with somebody who catches more than just your eye. If your hands touch, don't brush it off as chance. Have the confidence to return a wink or a smile.
You're weirdly teary-eyed today. The littlest thing will set you off, whether it's a familiar scene in a kid's movie or the sight of an elderly man slowly crossing the street. Others may misunderstand your moodiness.
You'll feel best today if you know where you are in space. For example, it may not be the best day to try some fancy flipping action off a diving board. You should also try to remember which way is north.
Economizing will give you pride and help you feel in control of your life. You don't have to clip coupons or compare prices on everything -- instead of feasting on unhealthy junk at the fast food joint, make your own lunch at home.
Things fall into place today. In fact, it might seem like unpredicted fixes are everywhere. It feels like one of those backward movies where broken lamps and smashed goldfish bowls put themselves together again.
Some big ideas are floating around just below your consciousness, like submarines in the ocean. Give yourself some relaxed space to clear your mind and let them come to the surface because they're important.
You're a super shifter today, able to get rid of excess and pull out the nuggets of gold. People will adore you for it. Since it's always lovely to be appreciated for your talents, you'll be in a swing-dancing happy mood.
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