Your Daily Singles Horoscope for September 25, 2022
Though the peace of single life can’t be beat, it’s always nice to have someone to curl up with at the end of the day. The path to your next cuddle buddy is only a click away with our singles horoscope.
In love, even more than the rest of your life, it can be hard to be open to change. But it's your love life that needs the most flexibility of all. Breathe deep and give it a try.
When was the last time you heard somebody say, "I'm so into them. They're just so pompous!"? That's right. You've never heard that. The best way to be attractive is to avoid being pompous.
Do you have an idea about a certain somebody? Like you really want to see them outside of work? Go ahead and ask them out for dinner. You have nothing to lose by spending time with someone you enjoy.
One way to get somebody's attention is to ignore them. Another approach, the one you're more likely to succeed with today, is to do something really outrageous. As long as it doesn't outrage them, you'll get what you want.
Sometimes it's kind of like a fireworks show is going off in your heart. There are great big, glittering, chrysanthemum-shaped explosions and tricolored geranium ones. Plus tons of sparklers. The question is who set those off?
Feeling lost with your career? Guidance is one click away!
Flexibility isn't just for gymnasts, you know. Today, you might need to stretch those pretty little heartstrings of yours. Everything will work out better if they're not too tight.
Get your hopes up today! Why? First, it's pretty dumb not to get your hopes up. Do you think your hopes like it in the basement? Plus, there's a good chance your romantic feelings are reciprocated.
Get creative. You know what you like. You know who you like. But when it comes to how you like them, the sky's the limit. There are so many ways to express yourself!
If you aren't flashing your passport on your way to an exotic destination today, you're definitely flashing your emotional passport at an emotional border on your way to a new emotional space. Enjoy the trip!
Some days are easy-breezy and you feel like a cover model. Other days are tougher. Get through it with aplomb and somebody special is sure to notice.
A fixation, say, on having totally original date ideas, is not the best way to a good relationship. There is nothing wrong with dinner and a movie! After all, if it ain't broke, don't fixate on it!
Somebody you work with has a personal life that makes soap operas look tame. That's fine. But don't spend more time thinking about their love life than you do taking care of your own.
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