Your Daily Singles Horoscope for September 03, 2022
Though the peace of single life can’t be beat, it’s always nice to have someone to curl up with at the end of the day. The path to your next cuddle buddy is only a click away with our singles horoscope.
"Defensive" is better for football than for footsie. That is, if you're feeling a little out of bounds, check in to make sure your fears aren't coming from out of left field.
Good sportsmanship isn't just for tennis, you know. It's very important in badminton, squash, and romance. Tie on your tennies, give them a big smile, and shake hands.
You're in pursuit of somebody who, if they were a puppy, could be described as having a cute tail. Better pay attention to their details or you could wind up chasing your own (tail, that is).
What? You don't think housecleaning is romantic? Tell that to the surprise guest with welcome romantic intentions who shows up at your place tonight and wants to use the bathroom.
If you feel shy, you don't have to fight it. Sometimes you just can't walk up to the attractive stranger on the bus and tell them your name. On the other hand, maybe you should give it a try.
What does the moon say about your emotional nature? Master your emotions with a Natal Moon Report!
So a romantic mistake was made. Why dwell on it? In the end, you may find that it wasn't actually a mistake at all. Maybe it was more of a detour that took you on a surprisingly enriching and delightful path.
Maybe today's the day to take a deep breath and relax. You aren't going to decide your whole romantic future with one date. Chill out already.
A favor you do for somebody is going to add a little flavor to your love life. The question is what flavor? Chocolate? Champagne? Petunia?
It's all well and good to set up a coffee date hoping it'll end in cuddles. But if you don't specify which coffee chain shop, it's all for naught.
Today's an excellent day to get your hands on some facts. Are they single? Are they stable? Do they prefer moonlit walks or sunsets on the beach? Good thing you're a fabulous fact finder.
Love is complicated. Today, you're not. You know what you want. You know who you want. You know why. Don't be impatient if things aren't as clear to them.
Figure out what they do that bothers you, then figure out why it grates so much. Chances are it's more about you than them. Chances are you'll work it out better if you figure that out first.
Are you meant to be? Find out with our Love Compatibility Report!
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