Your Daily Singles Horoscope for August 31, 2021
Though the peace of single life can’t be beat, it’s always nice to have someone to curl up with at the end of the day. The path to your next cuddle buddy is only a click away with our singles horoscope.
Exploring new romantic territory can always be somewhat intimidating. But without risk, there's just 'what ifs'. Make a point today to do something daring to jumpstart your social life. Your dating destiny is all up to you.
A transition is about to happen and you may not be ready. Change isn't something you relish, so take precautions now to prevent any earth-shattering surprises. The more adaptable you are, the easier it will be in the long run.
You're a natural when it comes to communicating. Put your skills to good use by offering to mediate between feuding friends. Your ability to always know the right word for the moment may help your pals to say how they really feel.
Perhaps your next crush should be someone with a quick mind instead of fast hands? When you go searching for a soul mate, it's best to find a person whose mental capacity is as stimulating as their sex appeal. You want the whole package.
Today you may meet someone who changes your opinion on how to flirt. Flowers and candy aren't the only ways to show affection. Sometimes others reveal sexual attraction through teasing. Kidding around could mean something else entirely.
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Your high-spirited nature may be in demand from someone who could use a dose of good cheer. Seek out those who need an uplifting word and give them something to smile about. You're about to make everyone's glass half full.
As tempting it might be to rely on email and text messaging to flirt, nothing beats one-on-one time in person. Make sure you don't use technology as a crutch. There really is no substitution for human interaction.
It's a good day to start up a conversation with someone new. Chat with strangers and you may learn you have more in common than you think. Ask them about their interests and beliefs. Find out their background and where they grew up. You never know when casual contact could lead to a more profound relationship.
Find pleasure in the little things today. When you slow down to appreciate the small stuff, life seems much more interesting. Apply the same philosophy towards your love life. Pay attention to the tiny moments that make relationships special.
Dating success is your responsibility as much as the person you ask out. Don't expect the other person to do the lion's share of the entertaining and wooing. This is a team effort where your contributions to the discussion are just as important as theirs.
The best part of dating someone new is discovering their interests, hopes, dreams and even fears. Don't be too quick to rush to the commitment finish line. Enjoy the feeling of excitement when unearthing facts about your crush.
New relationships can be murky territory. Be honest with your intentions from the beginning to help avoid any future misunderstandings or hurt feelings. Lifting the fog is easier when you keep mixed messages out of the equation.
What does the moon say about your emotional nature? Master your emotions with a Natal Moon Report!
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